For our solution to be truly beneficial to society, it is critical for it to be safe. Here at IISER Bhopal, we have put immense importance on our project’s biosafety and ethics, inspected our work at various stages and attempted to cover every aspect. This section divides the safety considerations into Design, Laboratory Conduct, Experimental Safety, and Human Subject Ethics.
Kill Switch
Since we plan to build an on-field microbial spray from our engineered bacteria (see future implementation) similar to the existing decomposers consisting of lyophilized microbes, it is essential to consider the effects it can have on the natural soil microbiota present in the agricultural fields.
The native microbial populations present in the soil consist of essential fungal and bacterial species that have a diverse set of functions, from recycling minerals, forming soil crystals through biomineralization, acting as an untapped resource for antibiotic discovery, and even facilitating plant-plant communication for resilience against diseases and environmental stressors [^1]. Hence, it is essential for our solution to create minimal disturbance in this system.
To ensure that our bacteria get cleared off the field once the decomposition is achieved, we have theoretically designed a kill switch involving an AND gate between the L-arabinose inducible promoter pBAD and D-xylose inducible promoter pXyl (BBa_K851002, submitted by (GEM12_UNAM_Genomics_Mexico). L-arabinose and D-xylose are released from the degradation of hemicellulose (arabinoxylan), which forms an average of 25–35% of crop stubble [^2]. From the literature, we found out that the percentage digestibility of hemicelluloses from the Xylan family is lower than that of Celluloses. This led us to choose the above given regulatory system, which will be able to sense the breakdown products of the last polymers undergoing digestion.
Downstream to this regulatory system, we have added yqcG (BBa_K3507002, submitted by iGEM20_Groningen), which codes for a potent DNAse protein [^3]. YqcG is a part of the Type II (protein-protein) toxin-antitoxin system YqcG/F found in Bacillus subtilis. It is involved in causing programmed cell death in biofilms by fragmenting the chromosomal DNA of the bacteria. eGFP (enhanced GFP) is the reporter added to the circuit which ends with a terminator (Ter) coding for two stop codons (taataa).
Kill Switch Circuit

pBAD-pXyl AND Gate

The first two sites represent the pBAD-AraC regulatory regions, where the AraC protein inherently present in B. subtilis binds to negatively regulate downstream gene expression.
The SigmaA -35, Sigma A-10, and the XylR operator regions represent the binding and interaction sites for transcription regulator B.subtilis XylR, which detects the presence of D-Xylose.
Specifications of each part
- Upstream regulatory system consists of two ara binding sites that interact with a protein dimer AraC. AraC causes the DNA to loop in the absence of L-arabinose
- When sufficient arabinose concentrations are reached, AraC changes conformation abruptly, straightening the DNA and making the downstream coding region accessible.
- It is very tightly regulated and non-leaky, hence ideal for use with downstream toxins.
More details: http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K851002
eGFP (enhanced GFP, BBa_K1915001 by iGEM16_LambertGA) is the reporter added to the circuit which ends with a double-stop codon (taataa) sequence as the terminator (Ter).
Future Implications
Throughout the course of our project, we got numerous opportunities to discuss the biosafety issues pertaining to our goal with experts in the field through meetings and collaborations. We have given a gist of the conclusions we could derive.

Laboratory Conduct
Safety Cell at IISER-Bhopal The Safety Office at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal is committed to provide a safe and healthy environment at its campus. Our team followed the rules and guidelines established by our institution for the use of equipment and reagents, waste disposal, and sanitization. We had received training on safe lab conduct as well as instructions on how to use equipment and materials for basic microbiology and synthetic biology experiments as part of our university coursework. Our experiments in the laboratory were frequently performed under supervision of laboratory technicians, and we were trained rigorously on the proper execution of the protocols used throughout the period of the project.
Institute level checklist to ensure basic lab safety: https://www.iiserb.ac.in/assets/all_upload/safety/Std_Lab_Safety_Check_List.pdf
National level safety guidelines: https://dbtindia.gov.in/sites/default/files/uploadfiles/Regulations_%26_Guidelines_for_Reocminant_DNA_Research_and_Biocontainment%2C2017.pdf
The experiments were carried out at the BSL-1 Undergraduate laboratory at our home institute. We primarily used E.coli DH5⍺ and Bacillus subtilis 168 as our chassis organisms, which are characterized under Risk Group 1 with negligible hazardous effects. These organisms are known to be non-pathogenic in humans and plants, making them safe to work with in the BSL-1 laboratory while following basic lab conduct.
Moreover, proper laboratory techniques were used when working with these strains and our team ensured to use proper PPE such as gloves, lab coats, and closed-toe shoes while working in the laboratory. The microorganisms were consistently handled under Laminar air flow cabinets, and the workspaces were sanitized regularly with Ethanol and UV. Our laboratory experiments were frequently performed under the supervision of laboratory technicians, and we were rigorously trained on the proper execution of the protocols used throughout the project.
Handling Chemicals
We conducted bioplastic synthesis experiments under the constant supervision of our instructors. While working with hazardous chemicals such as acetic anhydride, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and nitrobenzene, fume hoods and proper PPE were used.
Waste Disposal
Sharps containers and biohazard bins were maintained at two sites in the lab, and the respective wastes were carefully disposed. Our Institute’s Safety cell established guidelines, which were carefully followed.
Experimental Safety
Our transformed E. coli strains were Ampicillin and Kanamycin resistant due to the use of pCri and pET vectors respectively, whereas the transformed B. subtilis was resistant to Chloramphenicol (through pCri). Proper handling practices and sanitization procedures were followed to avoid any leakage into the environment.
As our project involved surveying people and extracting data from government databases, we ensured to follow all the ethical aspects for collecting and handling this data. We followed the guidelines in our region by the government and by iGEM for carrying out such activities. Additionally, we consulted various faculties within our institute and outside for receiving guidance on carrying out surveys on human subjects.
Image gallery

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- iGEM12_UNAM_Genomics_Mexico: http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K851002
- yqcG: http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K3507002
- eGFP: http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K2075001