Siva Umapathy

We would like to ex­tend our sin­cere grat­i­tude to Prof. Siva Umapathy, Director, IISER Bhopal for his un­wa­ver­ing sup­port and in­spi­ra­tion dur­ing our iGEM jour­ney.

Meet our team mem­bers

Wet Lab

Dr. Chandan Sahi

Chandan Sahi

Associate Professor at IISER Bhopal
Helped the wet lab team trou­bleshoot var­i­ous mol­e­c­u­lar bi­ol­ogy-re­lated ex­per­i­ments.

Dr. Sabari Sankar Thirupathy

Sabari Sankar Thirupathy

Assistant Professor, IISER TVM
Provided us with the Bacillus sub­tilis strain and the vec­tor used in our pro­ject.

Dr. Lavanya Bhagavatula

Lavanya Bhagavatula

Independent Researcher, from After iGEM
Her in­puts through­out the pro­ject were in­valu­able, spe­cially with hu­man prac­tices, de­vel­op­ing col­lab­o­ra­tions and the growth curve analy­sis.

Ms. Sana Jalili

Sana Jalili

Assistant Professor at Wilson College, Mumbai
She sug­gested some chal­lenges that we might face dur­ing en­zyme test­ing process. She was the judge of panel dis­cus­sion jointly held by IISER Bhopal and VIT Vellore. She sug­gested on how our HP can be im­pro­vised.

Mr. Anup Kumar Biswal

Anup Kumar Biswal

Ph.D. stu­dent un­der Dr. Chandan Sahi from IISER Bhopal
Helped the wet lab team with trou­bleshoot­ing DNA di­ges­tion and plas­mid-re­lated ex­per­i­ments

Mr. Malhar Atre

Malhar Atre

Ph.D. stu­dent un­der Dr. Sabari Sankar Thirupathy from IISER Thiruvananthapuram
His lab works with Bacillus sub­tilis-168 and there­fore helped with var­i­ous ex­per­i­ments re­lated to Bacillus sub­tilis. As the pCri-18a vec­tor was ob­tained from his lab, he played a cru­cial role in trou­bleshoot­ing var­i­ous plas­mid-re­lated ex­per­i­ments.

Mr. Yashaswi Singh

Yashaswi Singh

Ph.D. stu­dent un­der Dr. Jeet Kalia
Helped with PCR re­ac­tion trou­bleshoot­ing.

Mr. Kavuri Venkateswara Rao

Kavuri Venkateswara Rao

Ph.D. un­der Dr. Sourav Datta
Helped the team with trou­bleshoot­ing wet lab ex­per­i­ments

Mr. Neeraj Kumar Dubey

Neeraj Kumar Dubey

Radiological Safety Officer
We wanted to thank him for his help in se­quenc­ing the genes used in our pro­ject.

We wanted to thank all lab mem­bers from\

For their im­mense sup­port and en­cour­age­ment dur­ing the de­vel­op­ment of this pro­ject.

UG Lab - Department of Biological Sciences

Mr. Anbumani D

Anbumani D

Scientific Superintendent
For help­ing us with our ex­per­i­ments, and train­ing our team mem­bers. For help­ing us find reagents for our pro­ject.

Dr. Pankaj Pandey

Pankaj Pandey

Scientific Officer/Instructor
For per­mit­ting us to work in the UG lab­o­ra­tory fa­cil­ity

Ms. Anshulata Bhoite

Anshulata Bhoite

Scientific Assistant
For help­ing us with our ex­per­i­ments

Department of Chemistry

Mr. Akash Sharma

Akash Sharma

3rd-year Ph.D. un­der Dr. Aasheesh Srivastava Lab
Bioplastic ex­per­i­ment de­sign and per­form­ing and trou­bleshoot­ing at var­i­ous in­ter­me­di­ate steps.

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Ashis Biswas

Ashis Biswas

Assistant Professor at IISER Bhopal
For help­ing us un­der­stand the soil sys­tem and guid­ing us in ex­e­cut­ing soil-based ex­per­i­ments.

Mr. Abhijit Shaw

Abhijit Shaw

Scientific Assistant
For help­ing us ex­e­cute the soil tests.

Mr.Ajmal Roshan

Ajmal Roshan

Masters stu­dent un­der Dr. Ashis Biswas
For help­ing us un­der­stand the prob­lem of stub­ble burn­ing and for guid­ing us on soil test­ing.

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Sandip Kumar Agarwal

Sandip Kumar Agarwal

Assistant Professor at Economics Department at IISER Bhopal
Helped us re­fine our sur­veys to take the fi­nan­cial as­pects of our so­lu­tion into con­sid­er­a­tion.

Dr. Anandita Pan

Anandita Pan

Assistant Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences at IISER Bhopal
For re­view­ing our sur­veys and un­der­stand­ing the ap­proach to sur­vey­ing.

Human Practices

Mr. Anish Ganju

Anish Ganju

Ex-iGEMer, IISER Bhopal 2019

Student Advisors

Aishvi Gupta
Aishvi Gupta

Saksham Jain
Saksham Jain

Advised us based on their pre­vi­ous iGEM ex­pe­ri­ence.

Student Attribution

Conducting Surveys

Mr. Shubham Mishra BS 4th Year
Shubham Mishra
For aid­ing us with the sur­vey data col­lec­tions.

Joel Debbarma BS-MS 2nd Year
Joel Debbarma
Conducted Surveys in the state of Tripura.

Sukrant Bhat BS-MS 5th Year
Sukrant Bhat
Designed the Google forms for con­duct­ing the sur­veys.


Mr. Arpan Ghosh BS-MS 4th Year
Arpan Ghosh

Chandra Raveendranath - BS-MS 3rd Year
Chandra Raveendranath

Shreeja Saha - BS-MS 2nd Year
Shreeja Saha

Koushik Medhi - BS-MS 3rd Year
Koushik Medhi

Content Writing for Blog

Deepika Lohiya - BS-MS 2nd Year
Deepika Lohiya

Dhureen Patel - BS-MS 2nd Year
Dhureen Patel

Jalormi Brahmachari - BS-MS 2nd Year
Jalormi Brahmachari

Niharika Singh - BS-MS 2nd Year
Niharika Singh

Abhinav Purohit - BS-MS 2nd Year
Abhinav Purohit

Vedika Jakate - BS-MS 2nd Year
Vedika Jakate

We sin­cerely thank each and every­body who helped us di­rectly or in­di­rectly dur­ing the course of this pro­ject and apol­o­gize if we have un­in­ten­tion­ally missed out any­one. We would also like to thank the iGEM Foundation for pro­vid­ing us with this won­der­ful op­por­tu­nity to learn and grow.