
To aid fu­ture iGEM teams we have listed genes, plas­mids and con­structs used in our pro­ject as BioBricks parts. In all, we have con­tributed 16 parts - of which 12 are ba­sic and 4 are com­pos­ite parts. We be­lieve that the parts sub­mit­ted by our team will help young re­searchers and pro­fes­sion­als in de­sign­ing ex­per­i­ments.

Basic Parts

The parts here can be clas­si­fied as fol­lows:

Coding type

a) Part no. BBa_K4382000 and BBa_K4382001 are cel­lu­lase genes.

b) Part no. BBa_K4382002 is a lign­i­nase gene.

c) Part no BBa_K4382006 to BBa_K4382008 are pecti­nase genes.

d) Part no BBa_K4382003 to BBa_K4382005 and BBa_K4382010 are xy­lanase en­zymes.

RBS type

Part no BBa_K4382009 is a Bacillus sub­tilis Ribosome bind­ing pro­tein

Plasmid type

  • Part no BBa_K4382015 is p Partial Sequence of pCri-18a plas­mid with ad­di­tional SalI site

Composite parts

The com­pos­ite parts con­sist of the ba­sic parts as­sem­ble to­gether based on their func­tion­al­ity. There are four com­pos­ite parts - xy­lanase, cel­lu­lase, lign­i­nase and pecti­nase; which are num­bered from BBa_K4382011 to BBa_K4382014.

Soil Health Handbook

There are sev­eral com­mu­ni­ties who have not got ex­po­sure to the grass root level agri­cul­tural prob­lems. As, we be­long to an agri­cul­tural coun­try we de­cided these agri­cul­tural prob­lems should be ad­dressed at each and every level. Moreover, the high­school iGEM teams can also in­fer to this hand­book as this takes the agri­cul­tural is­sue from a ba­sic level to the higher. Our hand­book is mainly fo­cused on soil health. That will con­sider the de­te­ri­o­rat­ing soil health due to stub­ble burn­ing and an­tibi­otic ad­di­tion through ma­nure ap­pli­ca­tion.

Our Handbook puts light on:

  1. Importance of farm­ers
  2. How pop­u­la­tion growth is one of the main cause of in­creas­ing de­mand of food.
  3. For higher and fre­quent pro­duc­tion of crops how farm­ers overuse the avail­able chem­i­cal prod­ucts in the mar­ket, which even­tu­ally lead to the soil health degra­da­tion.
  4. The past data of de­grad­ing soil health con­se­quences due to stub­ble burn­ing and an­tibi­otic overuse.
  5. Hence, Our so­lu­tion.

This hand­book is de­signed, as to make peo­ple linked with agri­cul­tural prac­tices like farm­ers, in­dus­tries aware of these is­sues. The crisp con­tent of the hand­book would also ap­peal to school stu­dents to in­still their in­ter­est in agri­cul­ture.

Link for the Handbook

Bacillus sub­tilis hand­book

Our team has made a hand­book on han­dling of Bacillus sub­tilis strain in lab­o­ra­tory. We have com­pre­hen­sively pro­vided the list of all pro­to­cols for cul­tur­ing and trans­for­ma­tion of Bacillus sub­tilis strain which we used in our ex­per­i­ments. These pro­to­cols helped up ob­tain trans­formed colonies very ef­fi­ciently and in lesser time, so we be­lieve this hand­book will be very use­ful for any­one work­ing with Bacillus sub­tilis.

Access hand­book here