We were a part of 7 dif­fer­ent col­lab­o­ra­tions dur­ing our pro­ject.

  1. VIT Vellore

  2. The All Indian iGEM Meet

  3. IISER Pune

  4. CityU HK

  5. Seoul_Korea

  6. iGEM Patras, Greece

  7. Worldshaper-NJBIOX iGEM team

VIT Vellore

i) A Handbook on Soil Health

We pre­pared a hand­book that can be use­ful to farm­ers, in­di­vid­u­als work­ing in the agri­cul­tural sec­tor as well as stu­dents. Here we also high­lighted our so­lu­tions and their nov­elty. Since both are work­ing in the Agricultural do­main, this col­lab­o­ra­tion added great value to both teams’ pro­jects.

Link for the Handbook

ii) Feedback Panel Discussion

A col­lab­o­ra­tion with the in­tent to gen­er­ate feed­back on pro­ject progress. Here, the ses­sion was in the for­mat of a panel dis­cus­sion with a panel com­pris­ing Dr Sourav (PI for IISER B), Dr. Lavanya(Independent Researcher), Ms. Sana Jalili (Human Practices Expert), Dr. KM Gothandam (PI for VIT V), Dr. Arnold Emerson (Dry Lab Expert). Each pre­sen­ta­tion was fol­lowed by com­pre­hen­sive feed­back from the pan­el­lists on var­i­ous as­pects of the pro­ject. These valu­able in­sights were taken and im­ple­mented to fur­ther the pro­jects. Among the im­por­tant pieces of feed­back were a fo­cus on Integrated Human Practices, work done in other coun­tries and an un­der­stand­ing of dif­fer­ences in ap­proach in India vs that in other coun­tries.

iii) Exchange of Survey Data

We ex­changed aware­ness sur­vey data and forms for the other team to analyse and cir­cu­late. Students from their in­sti­tute took part in our sur­vey, and stu­dents from our in­sti­tute took part in theirs.

The All Indian iGEM Meet at IISc Bangalore

We ac­tively par­tic­i­pated in the All-India iGEM Meet at IISc Bangalore. Our team mem­bers helped in de­sign­ing and con­tent of the spon­sor­ship brochure and also were a part of the so­cial me­dia team.

A.I.I.M Sponsorship Brochure

During the con­fer­ence, we had fruit­ful dis­cus­sions with IISER Pune and IISc Bangalore iGEM teams since they work in sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment too.

Our team mem­bers at the All-India iGEM Meet


We took part in The World Environment day Instagram ac­tiv­ity or­ga­nized by IISER Pune.

Environment day clean­ing ac­tiv­ity around the cam­pus

CityU HK

Compiled a Vocabulary sheet of var­i­ous words re­lated to our pro­jects in dif­fer­ent lan­guages to in­crease the reach of our ideas.

A few words from the col­lab­o­ra­tion

Learning through the jour­ney

Seoul_Korea iGEM Team

Through email, we came in touch with iGEM Seoul_Korea. Their team re­sponded to the post we made via slack. Over a zoom meet­ing, we pre­sented each oth­er’s pro­jects and ex­changed ideas about the us­age and the ap­pli­ca­tions of the com­po­nents em­ployed by both teams in their pro­ject. There we could find com­mon ground be­tween the two pro­jects, as their work dealt with the de­com­po­si­tion of hemi­cel­lu­lose and cel­lu­lose through en­gi­neered Bacillus sub­tilis and Pichia pas­toris. In con­trast, our pro­ject in­volved en­gi­neered Bacillus sub­tilis to de­com­pose hemi­cel­lu­lose, cel­lu­lose, lignin, and pectin. We had sev­eral more meet­ings with the team, where we ex­changed thoughts on mean­ing­ful ways of form­ing a col­lab­o­ra­tion and com­bin­ing both teams’ work.

Patras iGEM team

We con­tacted team Patras over slack as both of our pro­ject was de­vot­ing to­wards agri­cul­ture. We were in con­tact for quite longer pe­riod of time. We dis­cussed each oth­er’s pro­ject ideas, HP, dry lab with some other pro­duc­tive chitchats. Also, we had meet­ing twice with them. We were de­lighted know­ing about their drone ap­proach to agri­cul­tural prac­ti­cal to col­lect more data on ge­o­data. We also shared some of our best ex­pe­ri­ence while work­ing with the team.

Worldshaper-NJBIOX iGEM team

We came across the team Worldshper-NJBIOX over our iGEM email ID. We had a few dis­cus­sions over both of our pro­jects. This team was work­ing on de­grad­ing lig­no­cel­lu­losic waste in food waste, specif­i­cally shrimp shells us­ing Clostridium bu­tyricum and bio­plas­tic pro­duc­tion. We prac­ticed giv­ing pre­sen­ta­tions with each oth­er’s teams.