Problem Statement

IISER Bhopal is lo­cated in the rural heart of Bhopal, sur­rounded by lush green agri­cul­tural fields. Stubble burn­ing is a reg­u­lar sight be­tween March and May every year. The vil­lage is usu­ally in flames. The heat gen­er­ated adds to the ris­ing sum­mer tem­per­a­ture of 40o C and burn­ing was at its peak. This causes skin ir­ri­ta­tion, dif­fi­culty In breath­ing, and burn­ing of the eye. During the night time, the de­po­si­tion of ashes on sev­eral build­ings, ve­hi­cles, and plants was spot­ted. As this is also a well-doc­u­mented na­tional prob­lem, we wanted to spot­light the prob­lem.

As part of our hu­man prac­tices, we fol­lowed var­i­ous method­olo­gies of mon­i­tor­ing and eval­u­a­tion. Stakeholder en­gage­ment is a ma­jor com­po­nent of hu­man prac­tices. It gives a bet­ter in­sight into the ground re­al­i­ties and cre­ates aware­ness. The de­tails of the same are tab­u­lated be­low:

S. No Stakeholder Methodology
1 Farmers In-depth in­ter­view, group dis­cus­sion and sur­vey.
2 People elected rep­re­sen­ta­tives of lo­cal ad­min­is­tra­tion. In-depth in­ter­views to col­lect data of lo­cal prac­ti­tion­ers.
3 non-farm­ing com­mu­ni­ties (Eg. Shopkeepers,Students, Civilians, etc.) In-depth Interview, Surveys on the aware­ness, ef­fects due to stub­ble burn­ing and non-degrad­able plas­tic pol­lu­tion, and their ac­cep­tance for our so­lu­tion.
4 Scientific Officers, Industrial Specialists Professors, Stakeholders. In-depth Interview, Survey, Questionnaire
Formation, Ideas, and tech­ni­cal con­sul­tancy.
5 Politicians or pol­i­cy­mak­ers Discussion re­gard­ing data col­lec­tion, and poli­cies to reach farm­ers. New meth­ods to fu­ture prospec­tive

Interviews and Surveys

Interview of Village Sarpanch

To dis­cuss the is­sue of stub­ble burn­ing our team vis­ited the Sarpanch (Village head) of a nearby vil­lage named Barkheda Salam and Bakania, Mr. Anup Singh and Mr. Jitendra Nagar.


During this in­ter­ac­tion we came to know that Stubble burn­ing has been a prac­tice for a long time as it is the quick­est and eas­i­est way to pre­pare fields for the next crop­ping cy­cle. they have no­ticed that com­mu­ni­ties liv­ing around the field de­velop cer­tain res­pi­ra­tory is­sues. A de­cline in the fer­til­ity of the soil. Many peo­ple from the vil­lage burn stub­ble, some mulch, and oth­ers use it as fod­der. After the in­ter­ac­tion we de­cided to char­ac­ter­ize the soil af­ter var­i­ous prac­tices. We col­lected soil sam­ples from sev­eral dif­fer­ently treated fields for the same.

Link to Soil test

mak­ing fod­der out of stub­ble to feed cat­tle
Our team along with Mr. Anup Singh


Mr. Jitendra Nagar has set an ex­am­ple for the vil­lage by prac­tic­ing mulching and in­spir­ing oth­ers to not burn stub­ble as it cause harm to the en­vi­ron­ment.He claimed that his fam­ily was prac­tic­ing stub­ble burn­ing for many years but they no­ticed that the soil was los­ing its fer­til­ity and the crop yield was also de­creas­ing. They felt that this was due to the death of earth­worms and soil mi­crobes.

Our team along with the head of vil­lage Bakania
Discussion with the lo­cal farm­ers of the vil­lage
Mulched soil
Burnt field
Unburnt soil
Soil sam­ple col­lec­tion from 5cm depth
Soil sam­ple col­lec­tion

Interview at Village Purba Barjala, State: Tripura

Person Contacted: Renu Debbarma
Mr. Renu at an age of 60 is still en­gaged in farm­ing. Haryana Paijam, Guwahati Paijam are the crops he usu­ally grows in his field every year. He prac­tices burn­ing in his fields and ac­cord­ing to him burn­ing in­creases the fer­til­ity of the soil in­stead of dam­ag­ing it. He is not aware of the con­se­quences of burn­ing.

Survey: Beas, Punjab

Person Contacted: Sub. Maj. Mastan Singh (Retd.)
Discussed Punjab soil type, crops they grow, wa­ter needed and time span they leave be­tween each crop, treat­ment of stub­ble and ef­fect of the treat­ment on sub­se­quent crop cy­cles.He told as Punjab is prone to heat wave, stub­ble burn­ing has con­tributed to it by the re­lease of small SPM.

Interview with Parishad Mr. Vikas Meena

Our team in­vited the Municipal of­fi­cer of Bhopal city, Madhya Pradesh, to gather in­for­ma­tion about the amount of waste cre­ated on a reg­u­lar ba­sis and among that how much is agri­cul­tural waste and plas­tic waste, re­spec­tively.

Interview with the non-farm­ing com­mu­nity from Bhauri, Bhopal

Broadly, three dif­fer­ent re­sponses were noted:

  1. No prob­lem with stub­ble burn­ing and plas­tic ac­cu­mu­la­tion.
  2. Neutral views of stub­ble burn­ing and plas­tic ac­cu­mu­la­tion
  3. A wish for cleaner and pol­lu­tion-free sur­round­ings.

See all our in­ter­views here

STUB-BURN sur­vey

A sur­vey was con­ducted for the whole IISER Bhopal com­mu­nity, in­clud­ing stu­dents, work­ers and pro­fes­sors. The in­di­vid­u­als were from the non-farm­ing com­mu­nity.

Farmers’ Survey in Collaboration with Unnat Bharatiya Abhiyan(UBA)

Our team, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with with the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan(UBA) con­ducted a Farmers sur­vey in the vil­lages Barkheda Salam and Bhauri. We sur­veyed 29 farm­ers to un­der­stand their farm­ing prac­tices and also ex­plained our so­lu­tion to them. We also no­ticed that farm­ers with big­ger fields showed to burn stub­ble more than those with smaller fields Some data gath­ered from the sur­vey is shown be­low:

Integrated Human Practices

During the course of our pro­ject, we in­ter­acted with var­i­ous stake­hold­ers and ex­perts who made sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to our pro­ject. This helped us im­prove var­i­ous as­pects of Human Practices, Dry Lab and Wet lab and broad­ened the im­pact of our pro­ject.

Dr. Sabari Sankar Thirupathy, Assistant Professor, Biology, IISER TVM

Dr. KS Yadav, Principal Scientist at Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK), Sagar, Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Anandita Pan, Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences at IISER Bhopal

Mr. Pankaj Dwivedi, Agronomist, nur­

Dr. Shyam Masakapalli, Associate Professor, IIT Mandi

Dr. Vivekanand, Assistant Professor, MNIT, Jaipur, India

Dr. Sandip Kumar Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Economic Sciences, IISER Bhopal

Dr. Rajesh Saxena, Senior Principal Scientist, Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology (MPCST), Bhopal

Dr. Lavanya Bhagavatula, Independent Researcher, From After iGEM

Read more about our meet­ings and in­cor­po­ra­tions

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