i) A Handbook on Soil Health

We pre­pared a hand­book that can be use­ful to farm­ers, in­di­vid­u­als work­ing in the agri­cul­tural sec­tor as well as stu­dents. Here we also high­lighted our so­lu­tions and their nov­elty. Since both are work­ing in the Agricultural do­main, this col­lab­o­ra­tion added great value to both teams’ pro­jects.

Link for the Handbook

ii) Feedback Panel Discussion

A col­lab­o­ra­tion with the in­tent to gen­er­ate feed­back on pro­ject progress. Here, the ses­sion was in the for­mat of a panel dis­cus­sion with a panel com­pris­ing Dr Sourav (PI for IISER B), Dr Lavanya(Independent Researcher), Ms Sana Jalili (Human Practices Expert), Dr KM Gothandam (PI for VIT V), Dr Arnold Emerson (Dry Lab Expert). Each pre­sen­ta­tion was fol­lowed by com­pre­hen­sive feed­back from the pan­el­lists on var­i­ous as­pects of the pro­ject. These valu­able in­sights were taken and im­ple­mented to fur­ther the pro­jects. Among the im­por­tant pieces of feed­back were a fo­cus on Integrated Human Practices, work done in other coun­tries and an un­der­stand­ing of dif­fer­ences in ap­proach in India vs that in other coun­tries.

iii) Exchange of Survey Data

We ex­changed aware­ness sur­vey data and forms for the other team to analyse and cir­cu­late. Students from their in­sti­tute took part in our sur­vey, and stu­dents from our in­sti­tute took part in theirs.