Supporting Entrepreneurship

How does our Project sup­port Entrepreneurship


This shows that even the by-prod­ucts of de­com­po­si­tion can be com­mer­cialised to pro­duce bio­plas­tics, which may also prove to be an al­ter­nate rev­enue source for not just farm­ers but any­one in­ter­ested. Thus this pro­ject has dual en­tre­pre­neur­ship prospects. Our team has also reg­is­tered for BIRACs National Bio-Entrepreneurship Competition and is all set to take part in it.

Cost analy­sis

We’ve con­sid­ered only the man­u­fac­tur­ing cost of the bio­plas­tic.

Following the chem­i­cal method

1. Lignin Extraction

Chemicals Required Quantity Price (₹/kg or ml) Cost (₹)
NaOH 11.25 g 639 7
Na2S 4.5 g 32 0.144
98% H2SO4 7ml 13.50 0.0945

Hence, ₹ 7.2385 is re­quired to ex­tract 3.152 grams of Lignin from 10 grams of Straw.

So, to get 1 gram of Lignin, we need to spend ₹ 2.296

2. Production of Vanillin

Chemicals Required Quantity Price (₹/kg or ml) Cost (₹)
NaOH 4.19 g 639 1.785
Nitrobenzene 3.75 ml 85 0.212
HCl (98% Pure) 7 ml 18 0.084
Methanol 20 ml 28 0.373

Hence, ₹ 2.454 is re­quired to get 0.067 grams of Vanillin out of 1 gram of Lignin.

To pro­duce 1 gram of Vanillin, we need = ₹ 36.45

Total cost to pro­duce 1 gram of Vanillin: ₹ (32.67+36.45) = ₹ 69.12

Assuming from 1 field, we can get around 2 tons of Straw. Then from 2 tons of Straw, we can get around 42 kg of Vanillin which will cost around = 28.98 Lakhs or 35,289 USD.

Following the Biochemical Method

  1. Assuming 0.070 grams of Vanillin can be ex­tracted from 1 gram of Lignin or 10 grams of Straw.

  2. One gram of Vanillin re­quires 1 gram of Sodium Acetate and 3.1 ml of Acetic Anhydride.

Chemicals Required Quantity Price (₹/kg or ml) Cost (₹)
Acetic an­hy­dride 1 g 20 0.02
Sodium Acetate 3.1 ml 55 0.165

The to­tal cost re­quired to treat 1 gram of Vanillin = ₹ 0.185

To treat 1 kg of Vanillin = ₹ 185

To treat 40 kg of Vanillin = ₹ 7360

Now, since 7 grams of Vanillin will give 5.012 grams of Bioplastic

1 gram of Vanillin will give 0.716 grams of Bioplastic.

Moreover, we know from 1 field gen­er­ates around 2 tons of Straw, and around 43 kg of Vanillin can be ex­tracted.

So, from 43 kg of Bioplastic, we can get around 30.788 kg of Bioplastic.

The cost re­quired to pro­duce 30.788 kg of Bioplastics = ₹ 7360

The cost re­quired to pro­duce 1 kg of Bioplastics = ₹ 239.05 or 2.91 USD per kg of Bioplastics

Comparing with the com­monly used plas­tics and bio­plas­tics world­wide:

PVC Resin ₹ 130
Polyethylene ₹ 105
Polystyrene ₹ 75
HDPE ₹ 160
Low-Density Polyethylene ₹ 90
Thermoplastics ₹ 150
Thermosetting Plastics ₹ 130
Bakelite ₹ 550
Nylon 6 ₹ 145
High-Performance Plastics (PA46) ₹ 408.13
Starch Based Plastics ₹ 300
Cellulose Based Bioplastics ₹ 280
Protein Based Bioplastics ₹ 340
Grafted Polymer ₹ 375
Pbat Polymer ₹ 300
Compostable Polymer ₹ 280
High Performance Plastics (PEEK) ₹ 8162
Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate (PBAT) ₹ 300
OUR PRODUCT: Lignin-Based Bioplastics ₹ 239.05