List of Biobricks used

Basic Parts

Existing parts used in the pro­ject

Part Number Part Name Part Description Type
BBa_K1911005 eGFP Fluorescent tag Coding
BBa_K1074012 Pgrac pro­moter A strong IPTG pro­moter which dri­ves our con­structs Regulatory
BBa_K3507002 YqcG DNAse which acts as a toxin - will form part of the kill­switch Coding
BBa_K1336003 BsDyP A Dye-decolourising per­ox­i­dase which is used to de­grade lignin Coding
BBa_K1074014 SamyQ SamyQ is the sig­nal pep­tide of the amyQ gene which helps in se­cre­tion of re­com­bi­nant pro­teins of Bacillus sub­tilis. Coding

New Parts

Part Number Part name Part Description Type
BBa_K4382000 CglT β-Glu­cosi­dase which con­verts cel­lobiose to glu­cose Coding
BBa_K4382001 EG5C-1 Processive en­doglu­canase which breaks down cel­lu­lose fib­rils into cel­lobiose and cel­lotriose Coding
BBa_K4382002 DyP1B Dye de­colouris­ing per­ox­i­dase that helps break­down lignin into its con­stituent monomers Coding
BBa_K4382003 XynB Beta xy­losi­dase that helps break­down xylo-oligosac­cha­rides into xy­lose units Coding
BBa_K4382004 XynC Glucuronoxylanase; which helps break­down larger al­douronates to smaller al­douronates Coding
BBa_K4382005 XynD Arabinofuranoside that helps cleave the gly­co­sidic bond be­tween the ara­bi­no­fu­ra­nose and the main xy­lose chain Coding
BBa_K4382006 PelB-B2 Endo pec­tate lyase that helps cleave the pectin back­bone and form an un­sat­u­rated galac­tur­onide Coding
BBa_K4382007 PelA Another endo pec­tate lyase that helps cleave the pectin back­bone and form an un­sat­u­rated galac­tur­onide Coding
BBa_K4382008 Pme(Pectin methylesterase) Helps in de-es­ter­i­fi­ca­tion of ho­mo­galac­touran units of pectin. Coding
BBa_K4382009 RBS Bacillus sub­tilis Ribosome Binding site RBS
BBa_K4382010 XynA An endo-1,4-β- xy­lanase Coding
BBa_K4382015 pCri-18a par­tial se­quence Partial se­quence of pCri-18a added to demon­strate our en­gi­neer­ing suc­cess Plasmid back­bone

Composite parts

Existing part used in the pro­ject

Part num­ber Part name Part Description Part type
BBa_K851002 pBAD-pXyl AND gate Inducible pro­moter ac­ti­vated in the only pres­ence of both Arabinose and xy­lose Regulatory

New Part

Part num­ber Part Name Part Description Type
BBa_K4382011 Xylanase Gene Construct Expresses xy­lanase en­zymes to de­grade xy­lan Translational Unit
BBa_K4382012 Cellulase Gene Construct Expresses cel­lu­lase en­zymes to de­grade cel­lu­lose Translational Unit
BBa_K4382013 Ligninase Gene Construct Expresses lig­nolytic en­zymes to de­grade lignin Translational Unit
BBa_K4382014 Pectinase gene con­struct Expresses pecti­nase en­zymes to de­grade pectin Translational Unit