Model 1: Decomposition rate of wheat straw

Decomposition rate is usu­ally es­ti­mated by ex­po­nen­tial de­cay model or lin­ear de­cay model. We will fol­low the ex­po­nen­tial de­cay model.

Exponential de­cay

For the ex­po­nen­tial de­cay, let us take the sim­plest model equa­tion: xtx0=ekt

Where, x0 is the ini­tial dry mat­ter mass of the lit­ter (g), xt is the resid­ual dry mat­ter mass af­ter a pe­riod of de­com­po­si­tion time t and k is the av­er­age de­com­po­si­tion rate of straws.

Let (xi , yi ), (i = 1, 2, 3, … n) be the ex­per­i­men­tal data and (xk, yk) to con­firm the ex­per­i­men­tal model:


Where a and k are the pa­ra­me­ters to be de­ter­mined, in or­der to de­ter­mine the es­ti­mated value of k, we will use the non-lin­ear least squares cri­te­rion, and the resid­ual sum of squares [Q (a,k)] is cal­cu­lated us­ing the for­mula:


The al­go­rithm to reach the min­i­mum tar­get op­ti­miza­tion pa­ra­me­ter in­cludes the Gauss-Newton Method, Marquart d op­ti­miza­tion, and the DUD method.

The value of a and k is to be de­ter­mined ex­per­i­men­tally. Using a lit­er­a­ture Search [LI Yun-Le et al., 2007], the value of a’ and k’ can be de­ter­mined as:

Treatments a k Regression Squares sum Residual Squares sum Index of Correlation
Original Soil 116.17 0.0096 14504.78 88.80 0.993915
Table 01: Rates of wheat straw de­com­po­si­tion un­der dif­fer­ent fer­til­iza­tion lev­els

Using Mathematica, we can get the sim­u­la­tion re­sult for our pro­ject:

Figure 1. Determination of pa­ra­me­ters a’ and k’ in the re­gres­sion model to fit the de­com­po­si­tion­rate and time in days.

From the above ma­nip­u­la­tion plot, we get the value of k’ as 0.09 and the value of a’ as 106, re­spec­tively, which must be tar­geted through wet lab ex­per­i­ments. However, these con­stants are sub­jected to change based on Wet Lab Experiments.

Model 2: Decomposition of la­bile and re­frac­tory com­po­nents in the wheat straw

Following the two-com­part­ment model

Consider the fol­low­ing: Ini­tial Mass = A Labile Component (ML), a com­po­nent that can be de­graded Re­frac­tory Component (MR), a com­po­nent that can­not be de­graded Now, we are pre­sent­ing a model which is crop-de­pen­dent. As we know, dif­fer­ent crops will have dif­fer­ent com­po­si­tions of lignin, cel­lu­lose, pectin, and xy­lan, and we have en­gi­neered the bac­te­ria with roles of de­grad­ing spe­cific com­po­nents of the straw. So, the crop choice will de­cide the con­cen­tra­tion of bac­te­ria with spe­cific roles. Similarly, the crop choice will de­cide the rate con­stants of la­bile and re­frac­tory com­po­nents and re­frac­tory frac­tions of ini­tial mass A.

So, by choos­ing the ini­tial mass, re­frac­tory frac­tion a’ of ini­tial mass A and the time in which we want to achieve the de­com­po­si­tion will give us the re­quired rate con­stant of the re­frac­tory com­po­nent (kr = x) and la­bile com­po­nent (kl = y), which will help us in de­cid­ing the con­cen­tra­tion of bac­te­ria with spe­cific roles to be taken in the bac­te­r­ial con­sor­tium.

Following first-or­der Differential Equations, we have,

For Labile Component: dMLdt=KLML

For Refractory Component: dMRdt=KRML

Normalized par­al­lel first-or­der dif­fer­en­tial fol­lows: MM0=aeKRt+(1a)eKLt

Where a’ is the re­frac­tory frac­tion of ini­tial mass M0. From equa­tion 13, we have the tem­per­a­ture and mois­ture con­trol func­tion as: f(T,M(T))=1.78T2310×0.411×101.66×106+T(79674.4+T(17.4419+7.5T))2.53×106+T(10623.3+T(2.32558+T))

As an ex­am­ple, on sim­u­lat­ing with Wolfram Mathematica, We have

Figure 2. Simulation Plot de­scrib­ing the de­com­po­si­tion of straw with time

In this ex­am­ple, Let us take the ini­tial mass of straw taken to be 70kg and as­sume that the straw con­tains 38% Refractory com­po­nent and rest 62% as the la­bile com­po­nent, which means 62% of the straw will be de­graded, and the rest 38% will re­main un­de­graded by the bac­te­ria. Let us as­sume that we want the straw to be de­graded in 30 days. Then, the rate con­stant for re­frac­tory frac­tion will be 0.125 day 1 , and the rate con­stant for la­bile frac­tion will be 1.95 day 1.

Now, Adding the fac­tor of mois­ture and tem­per­a­ture con­trol (Check Model 3 be­low) of the air to the above de­com­po­si­tion model. To do this, let k’ be the over­all rate con­stant of the re­ac­tion, then check the de­com­po­si­tion with re­spect to Temperature and mois­ture.

Simulating this sit­u­a­tion on Mathematica, we have:

Figure 3. Simulation plot to show the ef­fect of Temperature and Rate con­stant on de­com­po­si­tion

In this ex­am­ple, If we keep the Temperature at 30°C and want to achieve the over­all de­com­po­si­tion in 25 days, then the re­quired rate con­stant will be 0.108 day 1

Effect of burn­ing shown through sim­u­la­tion

From the above sim­u­la­tion, we find that as the Temperature and the over­all rate con­stant (k) in­creases, the de­com­po­si­tion in­creases, and at very high tem­per­a­tures or very high rate con­stant, the graph blows off, in­di­cat­ing the burn­ing of stub­ble oc­curs!

Figure 4. High tem­per­a­ture leads to burn­ing of stub­ble (calorific value of straw is reached).

Model 3: Calculation of Humidity and Temperature Control

Specific hu­mid­ity (or mois­ture con­tent) is the ra­tio of the mass of wa­ter va­por to the to­tal mass of the air par­cel. Now, Mathematically, Specific Humidity or Moisture con­tent in the air is given by:

Moisture Contentair=6.11×10237.3+Dew Point

The dew point is the Temperature to which air must be cooled to be­come sat­u­rated with wa­ter va­por, as­sum­ing con­stant air pres­sure and wa­ter con­tent. Mathematically, Dew Point is:

Dew Point=Td=T(100Relative Humidity)5

Now, to get the re­la­tion be­tween Dew Point and Relative hu­mid­ity, let us first con­sider the re­la­tion be­tween Relative Humidity and Temperature. Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Rel. Humidity 4.8 6.8 9.4 12.8 17.3 23 30.4 39.6 51.5 65.4 83

Plotting the above table of tem­per­a­ture v/​s Relative hu­mid­ity, we have:

Figure 5. Relationship be­tween Temperature and Relative Humidity as it is the de­ter­min­ing fac­tor in the stub­ble de­com­po­si­tion.

So, the curve fit­ted cu­bic equa­tion is: 4.669+0.432T+0.001T2+0.00043T3

Overlapping with the tem­per­a­ture v/​s Relative hu­mid­ity plot:

Figure 6. Curve fit­ting us­ing Cubic Equation

Hence, the Equation sat­is­fy­ing the re­la­tion be­tween the Dew Point and the Temperature is Given by:
4.669+0.432T+0.001T2+0.00043T3 Placing this Equation in place of Relative Humidity in Equation 5, we get,

Dew Point=(8.6×105)T30.0002T20.913619.0662

Plotting this, we have:

Figure 7. Relationship be­tween Dew Point and Temperature

Hence, Moisture Content is given as:

Moisture Contentair=6.11×107.5(19.06620.9136T0.0002T20.000086T3)237.319.06620.9136T0.0002T20.000086T3

Normalizing and Plotting this re­la­tion, we have:

Figure 8. Relationship be­tween Moisture and Temperature

To in­cor­po­rate the ef­fects of fluc­tu­at­ing Air tem­per­a­tures and Moisture on de­com­po­si­tion rates in the re­gres­sion mod­els with the in­de­pen­dent vari­able, time as:


Hence Control Function will be:

Figure 9. Plot of func­tion that will con­trol the mois­ture and tem­per­a­ture be­tween 0 and 1.

The above plot will con­trol the Moisture and Air Temperature fluc­tu­a­tions in the en­vi­ron­ment, whose value varies be­tween 0 and 1. Where mois­ture is con­trolled by Temperature as it is writ­ten as a func­tion of Temperature to re­duce the num­ber of in­de­pen­dent vari­ables.

Model 4: Four Component Model

Let us in­clude two more com­po­nents, ac­tive (MA) com­po­nent and sta­bi­lized (MS) com­po­nent of de­com­po­si­tion prod­ucts. The ac­tive com­po­nent was as­sumed to in­clude mi­cro­bial bio­mass and non-sta­bi­lized de­com­po­si­tion prod­ucts. All trans­for­ma­tions will fol­low the first-or­der ki­net­ics. Product for­ma­tion and mass loss as CO2 will be pro­por­tional de­pend­ing on a yield ef­fi­ciency fac­tor ϵ. However, only a por­tion γ of the ac­tive com­po­nent turnover was as­sumed to be­come sta­bi­lized.

Let us look at the Active Pool of the straw. The ac­tive pool was as­sumed to in­clude mi­cro­bial bio­mass and non-sta­bi­lized de­com­po­si­tion prod­ucts. It fol­lows the First Order Kinetics as fol­lows:


Where, ‘M[t]’ is the mass of the ac­tive com­po­nent of straw at the time t‘, l’ is the rate con­stant for the la­bile com­po­nent, L’ is the mass of the la­bile com­po­nent, r’ is the rate con­stant for the re­frac­tory com­po­nent, R’ is the mass of the Refractory com­po­nent, k’ is the rate con­stant of the ac­tive com­po­nent of the straw.

Plotting the ac­tive com­po­nent, we have

Figure 10. Simulation plot to show the de­com­po­si­tion of ac­tive pool.

Now, Let us look at the sta­bi­lized com­po­nent of the straw as fol­lows from the first-or­der ki­net­ics (without con­sid­er­ing Temperature and mois­ture ef­fects):


Where a’ is the rate con­stant of the ac­tive com­po­nent, A is the mass of the ac­tive com­po­nent, k is the rate con­stant of sta­bi­lized pools, and M[t] is the mass of sta­bi­lized com­po­nent of the straw.

For com­par­i­son, by the lit­er­a­ture search [Andrén et al., 1987], let us take, a = 0.0293, A = 10 kg, e = 0.36, γ = 0.47

Figure 11. Simulation plot to show the de­com­po­si­tion of sta­bi­lized pool.

The above two mod­els for sta­bi­lized com­po­nents and Refractory com­po­nents will help us de­velop the model to es­ti­mate the pro­duc­tion of Carbon Dioxide re­leased in the air us­ing Acitve com­po­nents and Stabilized com­po­nents. It fol­lows the zero-or­der ki­net­ics:


Where the sym­bols rep­re­sent the usual mean­ings as de­scribed above.

For com­par­i­son, by the lit­er­a­ture search [Andrén et al., 1987], let us take,


l=0.367 day1

r=0.00364 day1


s=0.0005 day1

Plotting equa­tion 22 along with the com­par­i­son graph, we get,

Figure 12. Simulation plot to de­ter­mine the loss of CO2 in the Air.

Model 5: Bioplastic Decomposition Model

Simulating the Observations through Mathematica: As we know from the above mod­els, the degra­da­tion curve usu­ally fol­lows ex­po­nen­tial de­cay. Hence, con­sid­er­ing our ansatz as:


Where dm’ is the change in mass with re­spect to time, a’ and k’ are the con­stants, and t’ is the time.

Experimental Data:

Mass (g) 0.1001 0.0904 0.0847 0.0768 0.0725
Time (hours) 0 24 48 72 96

Using Wolfram Mathematica, we fit the ex­per­i­men­tal data us­ing our ansatz from equa­tion 1 we get:

Fitted Exponential Equation: 0.099307e0.00340519x

Plotting this equa­tion:

Figure 13. Theoretical model de­vel­oped from ex­per­i­men­tal de­com­po­si­tion data to es­ti­mate the de­com­po­si­tion time of Bioplastics.

From this graph, we have es­ti­mated that within 2500 hours or 105 days (Around 3.5 Months), 99.9801% of the bio­plas­tic will be de­com­posed.

According to BBC Science Focus, biodegrad­able plas­tics take only three to six months to fully de­com­pose, far quicker than tra­di­tional plas­tic, which can take hun­dreds of years.

Model 6: Enzyme Kinetic Model


1) xynA

Enzyme se­creted: endo-1,4-beta-xy­lanase ( ex­tra­cel­lu­lar)

Reaction: a[(14)βDxylan]+nH2Ona[(1>4)βDxylan oligosaccharide]

KINETIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION: Assuming rate con­stants of the re­ac­tion to be kA

Code d[(1,4)βDxylan]dt=VxynA×[(1,4)βDxylan]KmxynA+[(1,4)βDxylan](KA×[(1,4)βDxylan])

Function: xy­lan degra­da­tion


Protein fam­ily:glycosyl hy­dro­lase 11 (cellulase G) fam­ily (single mem­ber, ac­cord­ing to UniProt)

Domains: GH 11 do­main (aa 29-213) (according to UniProt)

Localization: ex­tra­cel­lu­lar (signal pep­tide)



  • Subtiwiki

2) xynB

Enzyme: xy­lan beta-1,4-xy­losi­dase

Reaction: a(1>4)βDxylan oligosaccharide+nH2OnβDxylopyranose

KINETIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION: Assuming rate con­stants of the re­ac­tion to be k_B

Code d[(1,4)βDxylanoligosaccharide]dt=VxynB×[(1,4)βD[xylanoligosaccharide]KmxynB+[(1,4)βDxylanoligosaccharide](KB×[(1,4)βDxylanoligosaccharide])

Pathway:(1,4)-β-D-xylan degra­da­tion

Functioning: Catalysis of the hy­drol­y­sis of (1->4)-beta-D-xylans so as to re­move suc­ces­sive D-xylose residues from the non-re­duc­ing ter­mini.


Protein fam­ily: gly­co­syl hy­dro­lase 43 fam­ily Localization:cell mem­brane (according to Swiss-Prot)



P94489 (AlphaFold)


3) xynC

Enzyme: endo-xy­lanase

Function: xy­lan degra­da­tion

Product: endo-xy­lanase


Catalyzed re­ac­tion/ bi­o­log­i­cal ac­tiv­ity: Endohydrolysis of (1->4)-beta-D-xylosyl links in some glu­curonoara­bi­noxy­lans (according to UniProt)

a[glucuronoarabinoxylan]+nH2Ona[glucuronoarabinoxylan oligosac­cha­ride]

$$a [glucuronoxylan] + n H2O \longrightarrow n a [glucuronoxylan\textrm{ }oligosaccharide]$$

Protein fam­ily:glycosyl hy­dro­lase 30 fam­ily (single mem­ber, ac­cord­ing to UniProt)

Localization:extracellular (signal pep­tide)





4) xynD

Enzyme: ara­bi­noxy­lan ara­bi­no­fu­ra­nohy­dro­lase

Function: ara­bi­noxy­lan degra­da­tion


Catalyzed re­ac­tion/ bi­o­log­i­cal ac­tiv­ity: Hydrolysis of ter­mi­nal non-re­duc­ing al­pha-L-ara­bi­no­fu­ra­noside residues in al­pha-L-ara­bi­no­sides (according to UniProt)

Protein fam­ily: gly­co­syl hy­dro­lase 43 fam­ily (according to UniProt)

Domains: CBM6 do­main (aa 382-511) (according to UniProt)

Localization: ex­tra­cel­lu­lar (signal pep­tide)



3C7O (PDB)


Degradation ki­net­ics



(1→4)-β-D-xylan → (1->4)-β-D-xylan oligosac­cha­ride → β-D-xy­lopy­ra­nose

Let A be (1→4)-β-D-xylan

B be (1->4)-β-D-xylan oligosac­cha­ride

C be β-D-xy­lopy­ra­nose

Let k1 and k2 be the rate con­stants for the re­spec­tive re­ac­tions as shown.

MarkText MarkText

Now mul­ti­ply equa­tion (4) by an in­te­grat­ing fac­tor ek1t, on both sides


Now in or­der to find [C], we will sub­sti­tute equa­tion (vi) in equa­tion (iii),


Now we will find the time when [B]{i.e, [(1->4)-β-D-xylan oligosac­cha­ride] } con­cen­tra­tion of be­comes max­i­mum



Functioning: Dye-decolorizing per­ox­i­dases (DyPs) are a fam­ily of per­ox­i­dases that cat­alyze H2O2-dependent ox­i­da­tion of var­i­ous mol­e­cules. They are re­spon­si­ble for lignin degra­da­tion in lig­no­cel­lu­losic bio­mass.





GENE: DyP1B(Pseudomonas flu­o­rescens)




Gene: Pme (from Ralstonia solanacearum)








Cellulase en­zyme: cglT


Function: Hydrolysis of ter­mi­nal, non-re­duc­ing beta-D-glu­co­syl residues with re­lease of beta-D-glu­cose.



link - uniprot


Several fac­tors as­so­ci­ated with the na­ture of the cel­lu­lase en­zyme sys­tem are in­flu­en­tial dur­ing the hy­drol­y­sis process. These in­clude:

  1. Enzyme con­cen­tra­tion
  2. Adsorption
  3. Synergism
  4. End-product in­hi­bi­tion
  5. Mechanical de­ac­ti­va­tion (fluid shear stress or gas-liq­uid in­ter­face)
  6. Thermal in­ac­ti­va­tion
  7. Irreversible (non-productive) bind­ing to lignin.

Andersen, N. (2007).Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose: Experimental and Modeling Studies.

The rate of en­zy­matic hy­drol­y­sis of lig­no­cel­lu­lose is pro­foundly af­fected by the struc­tural fea­tures of cel­lu­lose :

  1. Crystallinity of cel­lu­lose

  2. Degree of poly­mer­iza­tion (DP), i.e. mol­e­c­u­lar weight of cel­lu­lose

  3. Available/accessible sur­face area

  4. Structural or­ga­ni­za­tion, i.e. macro-struc­ture (fiber) and mi­crostruc­ture (el­e­men­tary mi­crofib­ril) and par­ti­cle size

  5. Presence of as­so­ci­ated ma­te­ri­als such as hemi­cel­lu­lose and lignin.

    The typ­i­cal time course of the en­zy­matic hy­drol­y­sis of the lig­no­cel­lu­losic ma­te­r­ial is char­ac­ter­ized by the rapid ini­tial rate of hy­drol­y­sis fol­lowed by slower and in­com­plete hy­drol­y­sis. This is due to the rapid hy­drol­y­sis of more eas­ily avail­able amor­phous cel­lu­lose, with con­se­quent in­crease of in­her­ent de­gree of crys­tallinity, as the hy­drol­y­sis pro­ceeds.

Andersen, N. (2007). Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose: Experimental and Modeling Studies.

Hydrolysis of cel­lu­lose dif­fers from most other en­zy­matic re­ac­tions by the fact that sub­strate is in­sol­u­ble; thus to en­sure the re­ac­tion the phys­i­cal con­tact, i.e. ad­sorp­tion of the en­zymes to the sub­strate, is pre­req­ui­site for cel­lu­lose hy­drol­y­sis.

The ef­fi­ciency of cel­lu­lases ad­sorp­tion on the sur­face of the cel­lu­lose can be char­ac­ter­ized by the par­ti­tion co­ef­fi­cient Kp [L/g] of the en­zyme be­tween the sub­strate sur­face and the wa­ter phase.

Substrate up­take and ki­netic mod­el­ing

  • Rate of nu­tri­ent con­sump­tion (in this case stub­ble degra­da­tion) of a pop­u­la­tion of bac­te­ria is greatly af­fected by pres­ence of lim­ited/​op­ti­mal/​ex­cess nu­tri­ent con­cen­tra­tions.
  • So a quan­tity nu­tri­ent flux (ФN) can be mod­eled as a func­tion of the con­cen­tra­tion of bac­te­ria (B) and the con­cen­tra­tion of nu­tri­ent (N):


where μmax is the max­i­mum growth rate of the bac­terium us­ing a par­tic­u­lar nu­tri­ent and K_S is the con­cen­tra­tion of nu­tri­ent at which the growth rate is one-half of the max­i­mum.

  • At high nu­tri­ent con­cen­tra­tions (N >> KS), nu­tri­ent up­take ap­proaches its up­per limit re­sult­ing in ex­po­nen­tial growth at the max­i­mum rate for a par­tic­u­lar nu­tri­ent com­po­si­tion.
  • At low nu­tri­ent con­cen­tra­tions (N << KS), the nu­tri­ent flux equa­tion be­comes the fol­low­ing:


and hence we get


  • Let’s de­fine γ as the frac­tion of nu­tri­ent flux de­voted to se­creted en­zymes (P) such as


  • At low cell den­sity, γ is pro­por­tional to B. At high cell den­sity, the frac­tional in­vest­ment in P lev­els off at a max­i­mum value (γmax). The cell den­sity at which the cul­ture de­votes one-half of the max­i­mal amount of re­sources to se­creted pro­tein is Kγ.


● The rate of change of sub­strate with re­spect to time can be mod­eled by Michaelis–Menten ki­net­ics of degra­da­tion of the sub­strate by se­creted en­zymes:


● The rate of change of nu­tri­ent con­cen­tra­tion is the neg­a­tive of the rate of degra­da­tion of sub­strate mi­nus the rate of nu­tri­ent flux into cells:



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  2. https://​bio­​BSUB/​NEW-IM­AGE?type=PATH­WAY&ob­ject=PWY-6717

  3. https://​​pmc/​ar­ti­cles/​PM­C3086598/

  4. https://​​unipro­tkb/​Q60026/​en­try#struc­ture

  5. https://​chem­istry-eu­rope.on­lineli­brary.wi­​doi/​10.1002/​cbic.

  6. https://​www.sci­encedi­​sci­ence/​ar­ti­cle/​pii/​S0141022918305106

  7. https://​​unipro­tkb/​A0A0S4WW32/

  8. http://​sub­ti­wiki.uni-goet­tin­​v4/​gene?id=55D7F05F8592A53A58A032C78B847782E598B268

  9. LI Yun-Le, QIAO Yu-Hui, SUN Zhen-Jun, ZHANG Lu-Da, ZHANG Rui-Qing. Mathematical model of wheat straw de­com­po­si­tion rate in farm­land with dif­fer­ent lev­els of fer­til­iza­tion[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2007, 15(3): 61-63.

  10. Andrén, Olof & Paustian, O.. (1987). Barley Straw Decomposition in the Field: A Comparison of Models. Ecology. 68. 1190-1200. 10.2307/1939203.

  11. Humidity. (2022, September 24) - https://​​wiki/​Hu­mid­ity

Bioplastic degra­da­tion model

Stubble Degradation model