Decomposition of crop residue us­ing ge­net­i­cally en­gi­neered bac­te­ria and its con­ver­sion into bio­plas­tic
A burn­ing
feed­ing an ex­pand­ing pop­u­la­tion
A ma­jor lim­i­ta­tion to food se­cu­rity is the food pro­duc­tion rate. Farmers adopt sev­eral meth­ods in or­der to sup­port their cul­ti­va­tion how­ever, some­times, it turns out to be more harm­ful than help­ful in the long run af­fect­ing soil health.
The Green rev­o­lu­tion
The Green rev­o­lu­tion
Green rev­o­lu­tion has made it pos­si­ble to feed this grow­ing pop­u­la­tion But with in­crease pro­duc­tion comes a large amount of waste
Wait this should­n’t be le­gal
Wait this should­n’t be le­gal!!!
Due to lack of al­ter­na­tives most crop residue is burnt to clear land for next crop
Click to play
Click to Play
Here is a video that one of our at­trib­u­t­ors cap­tured of crop stub­ble burn­ing around our uni­ver­sity cam­pus.

Our Project Global Crop Production vs Stubble burn­ing:
A side-by-side com­par­i­son

Global Rice production
Stubble burning

In the Indian crop fields:
You see stub­ble, trac­tors and … PLASTICS

Non-biodegradable plas­tics are a men­ace.

Global Plastic fate
Mismanaged plastic waste
Our Solution

Currently, only a few al­ter­na­tives are avail­able to the farmer to stop them from burn­ing their fields.

We are plan­ning to en­gi­neer Bacillus sub­tilis that can se­crete en­zymes and break down the stub­ble of var­i­ous crops, in­clud­ing rice, wheat, soy­beans, mil­lets, and maize. The en­gi­neered Bacillus strain can be added to the stub­ble in the fields to pro­mote de­com­po­si­tion of the stub­ble. The engineered bac­te­r­ial strain can be in­duced un­der in vitro con­di­tions to par­tially de­com­pose wheat and paddy straw to ex­tract vanillin which can fur­ther be con­verted into bio­plas­tic. Our Solution

We are Team STUBBURN IISER Bhopal
Team Image
Promotional Video


Image Sources
1. Source: Singh et al., 2017
3. https://​www.down­

Video Sources
1. Stubble burn­ing near cam­pus (video) - Nirul Ranjan Patra (BS-MS IISER Bhopal)

Map Sources
1. Singh, G., Gupta, M.K., Chaurasiya, S. et al. Rice straw burn­ing: a re­view on its global preva­lence and the sus­tain­able al­ter­na­tives for its ef­fec­tive mit­i­ga­tion. Environ Sci Pollut Res 28, 32125-32155 (2021). https://​​10.1007/​s11356-021-14163-3