
"To understand the whole it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding" – Ken Wilber


Therapeutic expression

Antibody-induced activation

Overview parts



!MPACT is based on the Generalized Extracellular Molecule Sensor (GEMS) system which is developed by Scheller et al., 2018.1 This is a robust and modular platform that allows mammalian cells to sense a wide range of extracellular molecules, which induce a customizable response.1 This Part Collection contains all of the parts that have been used to develop the GEMS platform of !MPACT. More information about !MPACT can be found on the Project Description page.

In our project, we demonstrate two applications of the GEMS platform: expression of a therapeutically relevant protein, and antibody-induced GEMS receptor activation. These applications are discussed in detail on our Proof of Concept page. Our Part Collection consists of the core modules to design the tailored synthetic GEMS receptor constructs. This collection clearly establishes the modularity of the GEMS platform, confirming a remarkable tool that has much potential for therapeutics. We believe that this will greatly contribute to the iGEM community.

Therapeutic expression

Different GEMS systems were developed to test the design of !MPACT. The therapeutic expression system achieves interleukin 10 (IL-10) secretion after induction of the GEMS system with its ligand RR120. This system was designed by combining the GEMS receptor construct containing RR120 VHH as affinity domain (BBa_K4160008), Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) (BBa_K4160005), and STAT-induced IL-10 (BBa_K4160017). When sensing and binding RR120, the GEMS receptor construct undergoes a conformational change and consequently, dimerizes. This activates the Janus Kinase (JAK)/STAT pathway. Subsequently, this induces the expression of STAT3 which, thereafter, promotes STAT-induced IL-10 expression and secretion (Figure 1). Visit our Results page to see the promising results for our therapeutic expression system.

Figure 1 | Schematic representation of the GEMS system for therapeutic expression. RR120 binds to the GEMS receptor construct containing RR120 VHH, which activates the JAK/STAT pathway. Next, expression of STAT is induced, which subsequently, induces IL-10 expression and secretion.

Antibody-induced GEMS receptor activation

To achieve activation of the GEMS system using antibodies, two GEMS systems have been developed. In the first system, the affinity domain consists of PR3, without or with an amino acid linker (BBa_K4160009, BBa_K4160010 & BBa_K4160011). This receptor construct is combined with STAT3 and STAT-induced SEAP (BBa_K4160016) Sensing and binding the anti-PR3 antibodies results in STAT-induced SEAP expression and secretion via the JAK/STAT pathway (Figure 2).

Figure 2 | Schematic representation of anti-PR3-induced GEMS receptor activation. Anti-PR3 binds to the GEMS receptor construct containing PR3. This activates the JAK/STAT pathway. Next, expression of STAT is induced, which subsequently, induces SEAP expression and secretion.

The second system encompasses GEMS receptor constructs containing an additional HA-tag fused to the PR3 affinity domain. (BBa_K4160012, BBa_K4160013 & BBa_K4160014). Also for this system, the receptor construct is combined with STAT3 and STAT-induced SEAP. In addition to anti-PR3 antibodies, these receptors can bind anti-HA antibodies (Figure 3).

Antibody-induced activation of the GEMS receptor constructs remains challenging but is actively under investigation. Our initial results can be found on the Results page.

Figure 3 | Schematic representation of anti-HA-induced GEMS receptor activation. Anti-HA binds to the GEMS receptor construct containing HA-tag. This activates the JAK/STAT pathway. Next, expression of STAT is induced, which subsequently, induces SEAP expression and secretion.


Altogether, Figure 4 shows an overview of all parts that were used to develop !MPACT. These parts clearly demonstrate the modularity of the GEMS platform.

Figure 4 | Overview of part collection. The core modules that demonstrate the modularity of the GEMS platform used to develop !MPACT.

Part Number Type Name Description Length
BBa_K4160005 Basic STAT3 STAT3 is a transcription factor that binds to the STAT promoter to regulate STAT-induced gene expression.2 2321bp
BBa_K4160008 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing RR120 VHH as affinity domain This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160003, and BBa_K2217015. 2322bp
BBa_K4160009 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing PR3 as affinity domain This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160004, and BBa_K2217015. 2600bp
BBa_K4160010 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing PR3 as affinity domain with 8 amino acid linker This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160004, and BBa_K2217015, containing a linker of 8 amino acids. 2624bp
BBa_K4160011 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing PR3 as affinity domain with 31 amino acid linker This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160004, and BBa_K2217015, containing a linker of 8 amino acids. 2675bp
BBa_K4160012 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing PR3 fused to HA-tag as affinity domain This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160004, BBa_K1150016, and BBa_K2217015. 2627bp
BBa_K4160013 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing PR3 fused to HA-tag as affinity domain with 8 amino acid linker This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160004, BBa_K1150016, and BBa_K2217015, containing a linker of 8 amino acids. 2651bp
BBa_K4160014 Composite GEMS receptor construct containing PR3 fused to HA-tag as affinity domain with 31 amino acid linker This composite part combines BBa_K4160000, BBa_K4160001, BBa_K4160002, BBa_K4160004, BBa_K1150016, and BBa_K2217015, containing a linker of 31 amino acids. 2702bp
BBa_K4160016 Composite STAT-induced SEAP This composite part combines BBa_K4160006 and BBa_K1470004. 1771bp
BBa_K4160017 Composite STAT-induced IL-10 This composite part combines BBa_K4160006 and BBa_K4160007. 772bp
  1. Scheller L, Strittmatter T, Fuchs D, Bojar D, Fussenegger M. Generalized extracellular molecule sensor platform for programming cellular behavior. Nat Chem Biol. Published online 2018. doi:10.1038/s41589-018-0046-z
  2. Lee DS, Grandis JR, Johnson DE. STAT3 as a Major Contributor to Chemoresistance. Target Cell Surviv Pathways to Enhanc Response to Chemother. Published online 2019:145-167. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-813753-6.00007-X