Our mathematical model allowed us to know how our system was going to evolve following differential equations of how different parameters varied as a function of time (glucoses, cellulases, synthases, repressors, bacterias).
We assumed that bacterial growth follows a logistic equation with linear dependence on the glucose concentration in the medium, and that the incorporation of cellulose to the sistem is constant.
The generation of graphs allowed us to see the behavior we hypothesized in our experiment: the concentration of bacteria increases as the glucose in the medium increases up to a certain point, the cellulases start with a high concentration and as they release glucose they decrease their concentration in the system, the synthases start to increase their concentration as the concentration of glucose in the medium increases, and the concentration of repressor decreases as the concentration of cellulases, since this fact allows the activation of the synthases.
All this has helped us to take it into consideration for our experiments and will help us to test it in our proposed bioreactor.