

Due to the need to find a solution to a local problem such as contamination by vegetal wastes, a gene construct was designed as an alternative to transform these products into a value-added substance, starch. For this purpose, we used optimized synthetic gene constructs from Escherichia coli and Cellulomonas fimi, which were subsequently transformed into E.coli bacteria.

Once the final construct based on two plasmids, pSBC1Cel1 and pSBA1Sta1, was obtained, a search was carried out to determine the existing detection methods that would allow verification of this construct. Through a literature search, it was possible to determine that simple tests such as Red Congo Assay, as well as staining with lugol and glucose oxidase test (GOD) allowed verifying the correct functioning of the composition created. They were accompanied by a final fluorescence revealed due to emission at the wavelengths corresponding to RFP and GFP.