Impact on Growth of electroshock


This experiment aim to investigate the parameters of electroshocking for our Electro-Genetic promoter screening experiment where we will electroshock bacteria's from the [E. coli Promoter collection]([1].

Indeed, exposure to electrical current can be lethal to organisms, we wanted to elucidate if exposure to electrical current would have an effect on growth.

We used a custom made [High throughput Electro Actuator (HTEA)]( to test the impact on growth of exposure to AC Current

Our result show that none of the current within the range explored killed the bacterial population as growth is recovered after a small recovery phase.

We witness that the final OD vary depending on the shock

Materials and methods

As this experiment aim is to evaluate electroshock condition, stayed consistant with the strained used in [1] and worked with E. coli MG1655. We grew the bacteria's overnights on M9 (0.4% Glucose, complete Amino Acids).

In the morning, we diluted the cells into fresh M9 Media to a ratio of 1:100.

From a previous experiment[2], we determined that mid-log phase (OD600 = 0.4) was attained after 4 hours of growth . We waited 4 hours to perfom the electroshocking experiment

We used the HTEA in conjunction with the AC Dispatcher (ACD) and the Electro Planner to shock the bacteria with AC current of different amplitudes (from 0.2volts to 11 volts) .

We used the MHS2300A dual function generator and the MHS2300A Python library to communicate

Experiments were done in triplicates

Responsive image

High throughput Electro Actuator (HTEA)


We observe that all population recovered growth after a slight lag that vary from conditions to conditions (Figure 1)

We also witness that the final OD reached vary depending on the experimental conditions. Interrestingly, the relationshionship between ac current applied and final OD is non linear (Figure 2)

Future Work

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Maecenas quis nulla ac nunc dapibus sollicitudin sit amet eu dolor. Sed imperdiet, nunc sit amet dignissim lobortis, lorem nunc fermentum purus, commodo pellentesque dui diam vitae purus. Donec a sodales nisl. Quisque odio leo, efficitur id placerat sed, porttitor a lorem. Sed non ex accumsan, aliquam dolor at, euismod dolor. Vivamus et tellus auctor, ornare odio sit amet, aliquam augue. Suspendisse dictum eros eu lectus pellentesque, ac egestas diam imperdiet. Fusce sit amet posuere nisi. Integer dapibus neque sit amet purus faucibus, eu tempor velit pretium. Proin velit nulla, porttitor non quam et, tempus dictum leo. Nulla facilisi. Cras sed vehicula lacus.

Vestibulum et scelerisque tellus, vel feugiat nisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam bibendum urna in erat varius, viverra maximus turpis cursus. Phasellus varius commodo luctus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris a hendrerit est. Proin enim lectus, tincidunt malesuada vestibulum non, interdum at purus. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vehicula ultrices libero. Nullam at nibh in leo consequat placerat nec ut elit. Maecenas et volutpat massa.


1. Zaslaver, A. et al. (2006) ‘A comprehensive library of fluorescent transcriptional reporters for Escherichia coli’, Nature Methods, 3(8), pp. 623–628. Available at: