
Sharing and collaboration are core values of iGEM!


In order to assist our project, we communicated with other local iGEM teams by joining a symposium. Starting from June, we communicated with the HKUST iGEM team via Email to share our works and discussion about the symposium.

In July, we joined a full day face to face symposium held by HKUST, a university in Hong Kong. During the symposiums , we shared our project’s background information, experiment procedure, and human practice plan. While in the question-and-answer section, we received many questions from experts and professionals invited from universities and related fields for further elaboration in different aspects. During the exchange of ideas, we had a better understanding of the shortcoming of our project and were able to develop. Surprisingly, we also got many valuable and constructive comments to improve our project. After that, we have kept in contact with other local iGEM teams to exchange our ideas by email and zoom meeting. UST iGEM team introduced our iGEM team to meet Prof. Sun and start the collaboration including sharing of the experimental flow, technical support, regular consultation, etc. We also send high school students to their laboratories for internships.