
1. Biosafety

1) The strain we used in our project is E. coli DH5a which is widely used in genetic engineering and is classified as biosafety level 1 (BSL-1). They are not harmful to human in our experimental conditions. They are also strains that are already present in the natural environment and will avoid the risk of species invasion.

And after experiment, the engineered bacteria will be autoclaved before disposal or special treatment by our university. In addition, to avoid possible strain and gene leakage, our temperature-controlled suicide switch will help to kill E. coli simply by heat at 42℃, ensuring both the system efficiency and biosafety.

2) In our project, some of the bacteria are transformed with antibiotic resistance gene. If the engineered bacteria are released into the environment, other bacteria in the surroundings may have resistance too, which leads to potential hazard. To avoid such accident, everything contacted with bacteria or DNA, including LB medium, centrifuge tubes etc. will be collected and subjected to special processing by our university.

2. Safety and security guidance

All works follow national standards, industry requirements and safety and security rules including: a)Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in orchards, b)The national pesticide use guidelines refer to GB 4285, GB/T 8321. etc.

3. Laboratory safety of XJTU-China

Every member of our team must receive Safety Training and get certificates before entering the lab. The training is given by several experts of our university, containing:

1) The standard operation protocols (SOP) in a biology laboratory.

2) Instructions of dealing with hazardous chemicals and biomaterials.

3) Waste management

4) Instructions of Biosafety Fuming Cabinet.

5) How to protect ourselves when accident happens.

6) In addition, we have developed our own laboratory safety instructions

which are more practical including:

a) Anyone who enters the lab should obey the rules.

b) Wear lab clothes and gloves when working

c) Keep your area neat and organized when working in a biology lab.

d) No eating and drinking in the lab.