Regarding the SDGs, the Honorato project presents several ramifications beyond the purely scientific method, in view of this, we can relate it to 2 SDGs: quality education, good health and welfare.

Given the themes, we can say that the Honorato project, besides presenting a viable and synthetic way for the production of an antiophidic drug, it is also committed to scientific dissemination and information of utmost importance for public health, which also touches the other proposed SDG, good health and welfare, since the project aims at a greater applicability of the drug, so that it is compatible with any jararaca present in Brazil.

Among the projects developed during the year, we have the "synthetic biology tournament" where we promoted classes and activities focused on neglected diseases and the importance of vaccination with elementary school and high school students, this was one of the ways we found to increase the interest of children and adolescents in science and biology, and also to disseminate knowledge of extreme importance for the formation of youth.

Goals: 5 and 9

Still on the SDGs, in our project all members received equally important activities, regardless of their gender, corroborating for a gender equality initially worked inside, giving the possibility for any person to participate in the project without having their gender as a discriminating factor, thus entering in one of the SDGs that is related to gender equality. The Honorato project also reaches the SDG related to "Industry, innovation and infrastructure" for having as its main goal the creation of a substitute to an already existing drug of not so accessible monetary value and with animal use for its manufacture for another that does not use animals in its manufacturing process and that is one of easy handling, in order to be accessible to poorer populations and with little availability of the drug that currently exists.


Goal: 17

The Honorato project is also in line with Sustainable Development Goal 17 on Partnerships and Means of Implementation which seeks to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development.

The project has enhanced North-South cooperation, with collaborations with teams from the northern hemisphere, such as Team Tec-Chihuahua from Mexico, Team Lambert_GA from the USA, and Team IISER-Pune2_India. In addition, the Honorato project also improved regional cooperation with collaborations with other teams from Brazil, such as the UFMG.UFV_Brazil and Unicamp_Brazil teams. With these collaborations, it was possible to improve access to science, technology, and innovation, increase knowledge sharing, and promote the development, transfer, dissemination, and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies for developing countries. In addition, it also sought to strengthen capacity building support for developing countries to significantly increase the availability of high quality, current and reliable data.

The USP-EEL Brazil team also sought to encourage and promote public partnerships, through technical and financial support with the University of São Paulo and public-private partnerships, such as the collaboration with Laboratório Vital Brasil.

Goals: 10 and 12

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ophidic accidents are considered a neglected disease. That is, diseases considered endemic in low-income populations and contributing to the maintenance of social inequality in our society. The Honorato project seeks to bring innovation in the area of ophidic accidents, since there have been no changes in the form of treatment for a long time. With awareness on the subject and a new approach to the treatment, we aim to contribute to the reduction of this problem that afflicts low-income populations, thus reducing inequality in different ways, as stated in SDG 10.

Currently, horses are used for the production of antiophidic serums. With Honorato's project, it will no longer be necessary to use animals in the production of a drug that is so important to our society. And so we will have a more responsible production, respecting the animals and, one day, with a serum as efficient or even more efficient than the traditional one.