
SyMB-Lab (Laboratory of Synthetic and Molecular Biology) is one of the greatest laboratories of the Biotechnology Center of the Lorena’s School of Engineering at University of São Paulo. Emerged in 2014, the SyMB-Lab focuses on the development of modern technologies in the field of Molecular Biology and Synthetic Biology, exploring clever ways to genetically improve microorganisms for laboratorial and industrial use. The head researcher of Symb Lab is Prof. Dr. Fernando Segato who gave us a lot of his help by becoming our PI and allowing all our lab work to be done.


"Pró-Reitoria de Graduação" (PRG), "Pró-Reitoria de Pós Graduação" (PRPG) and "Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa" are central organs of the University of São Paulo whose main objective is, respectively, the idealization, planning, monitoring and evaluation related to undergraduate courses, and the promotion of Post-graduate education, establishing a level of quality and international insertion. Both PRG and PRPG supported our team financially and without their assistance we could not have paid for most of the iGEM registration fees and we would not be able to present our amazing work in the iGEM 2022 edition.

Clab Cosmética

Clab is a digital education platform that develops not only products, but also entrepreneurs and their cosmetic brands, from their creation to their regularization and industrialization, with the aim of developing courageous entrepreneurs, conscious brands and cosmetic products for sustainable brands. This year, Sabryne Rodrigues, founding partner of Clab and ex-iGEMer, presented us with body moisturizing creams produced by Clab to serve as an incentive for our crowdfunding.