We started with a meeting, where the projects were presented and we looked for ways to collaborate. Shortly after, we had our second online meeting where we exposed our work in modeling and shared ideas in the area.

Figure 1 - Meeting.

In mid September, team Unicamp_Brazil came to the city of Lorena, where they gave a lecture at our university, open to the public and organized by our team, about their project. To do this, they had to make a journey of 250 kilometers.

Figure 3 - Audience of team Unicamp_Brazil in their lecture at Lorena

Right after the lecture, they went with us to the "ETEC" school, where they were the judges and watched the final presentation of the "Synthetic Biology Tournament".

We also have Whatsapp group, where we keep regular contact, to help each other with issues like wiki code and the trip to Paris, since we are from the same country. Our partnership certainly involved various aspects in both projects.

We are very grateful not only for the partnership but also the friendship that we established with the Unicamp_Brazil team in this competition.