Synthetic Biology Tournament

The Synthetic Biology Tournament (TBS) is an event organized by us, members of team USP-EEL-Brazil, and counts with the participation of several public schools from the city of Lorena, São Paulo, where our university campus is located.

With five weeks duration, we organize classes focused on reviewing concepts of molecular biology and presenting basic topics related to synthetic biology. Using tools such as slides, handouts, and recorded lectures, the tournament participants have access to study materials guides to support their projects throughout the tournament. As we work with students of different age groups, both teenagers still in elementary school and graduating high school students, the materials made available in Google Classroom online and during the live classes were adapted to the language and didactics of each of these target audiences.

In order to allow a full learning of the students during the tournament, we created handouts related to the theme of each tournament, containing topics essential to the understanding of synthetic biology and also appendices and summaries that could guide the participants in making their respective projects.

We also organized weekly classes throughout the Synthetic Biology Tournament aiming to keep a closer contact between the students inside the classrooms, also learning from them and approaching central themes of synthetic and molecular biology. To make the classes more dynamic and didactic, we put together presentation slides with several images and examples, and set up a lesson plan to be followed.

Taking into consideration that learning also expands beyond the classroom, and thinking about fixing and reviewing the content passed each week, we organized a series of recorded lessons referring to the content exposed in the tournament. These recordings gave us the opportunity to present another perspective on the subjects and provide a greater teaching base for the students. By posting the recorded lessons each week, we gave them the opportunity to review and revise the topics presented.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, for us, members team USP-EEL-Brazil, the Synthetic Biology Tournament is not only an academic event of great potential and great results, but it is also the way we found to democratize the teaching and learning of synthetic biology and to spread this field that is often poorly recognized in Brazilian educational institutions. The TBS, organized by us, public university students and made for them, public school students, represents Brazilian science in motion, which resists and continues to make an impact in a country that is ours and that deserves a high quality public education and equal opportunities for all. It is through the chances we get in our privileged place inside the University of São Paulo that we create paths to give opportunities to other young people as well, and TBS is the greatest expression we have of this journey.

Brazilian Synthetic Biology Olympiad

To consolidate and expand the will to learn about synthetic biology, together with Team USP Brazil, we developed the second edition of the Brazilian Synthetic Biology Olympiad (OBBS). As the competition that stimulates and increases the relevance of science and research to students, the test was held virtually, consisting of a test of 20 questions and lasting for 7 days after its availability on the platform, opening on September 19 (Monday) and closing on September 25 (Sunday). The OBBS is open to high school students from all over Brazil, divided into two categories: one aimed at public school students and the other at private school students, whose challenge is the same for all, but the distinction is made for national education evaluation purposes.

Since the test does not require prior knowledge, it is important that we provide means of deepening into the subject. For this reason, on the web platform itself, video lessons and books have been attached, including the workbook developed by us, so that it is possible to learn about the most important topics involving synthetic biology.

In parallel with society, essentially through schools, the invitation to carry out the realization arose, as a challenge to high school students that starting to know and understand what synthetic biology is, was made. The participation of all interested students brings perspectives for the growth of science and research in our society, especially in an area that has emerged from the conception of biology and engineering.

After the Olympics, we received positive feedback from students on social media, they even said they would like to participate in the next edition. We were also happy to know that we impacted students from different regions of the country, including the hardest ones to reach, such as the Northeast which represented 41,7 % of the participants and is a region normally lagging behind in terms of education. Moreover, this test especially reached women, as they represented 59.9% of the audience, which we hope will contribute to motivate women's participation in STEM.