We developed a project that met 5 main sustainable development goals established by the United Nations: "Good health and Well-being" as our project deal with custom-made medicine and a strong education commitment raising awareness about health, “Decent work and Economic growth” by implementing a new business in our city, “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure” as sobriety, resilience and innovation are crucial features for us, “Responsible Consumption and Production that we plainly follow during the organization of the French Meet-up and intend to apply for our future start-up, and finally, “Partnership for the Goals” by collaborating with international and local experts and partners.
The United Nations stated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) leading the development of our society and protection of our planet. These objectives concern countries within a global partnership, however each initiator of a new project can rely on them to build the most sustainable project possible.
Our project is adapted to the application of 5 main objectives that we decided to focus on. These are:
• Good health and well-being
• Decent work and economic growth
• Industry, innovation and infrastructure
• Responsible consumption and production
• Partnership for the goals

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

This SDG aims to ensure healthy life and promote well being for all at all ages. As 25 to 30% of the population is affected by allergies (Allergies ⋅ Inserm, La science pour la santé), our project fits perfectly into this objective. We believe that good health can only be achieved with efficient diagnosis methods and adapted treatments.
With a detection method capable of screening every allergen, the patients can have a very precise idea of their predisposition to allergies. This way, they can be aware that they are in danger when exposed to the allergens they have a predisposition to, which can help prevent anaphylaxis. This diagnosis method could also be a hope for people with numerous allergies: a way to have a diagnosis which could test their sensibility to hundreds of allergens simultaneously.
The perspective of offering a precision treatment adapted to the diagnosis of each patient is also matching with this goal. With adapted treatment, we hope that the desensitization of the patient could be more efficient.
Raising awareness about the importance of good health is also a major subject of this SDG. The education part of our project, especially our “Cracking allergies” video series, is a very strong tool to spread knowledge and information about allergies in a fun and accessible way. It will help people identify their symptoms, prevent their reaction, know what to do in case they suspect they are allergic, how to use an epinephrine pen (which could save lifes) and even understand what happens in their body when an allergic reaction is triggered. For the moment the videos are accessible to English and French speakers with the subtitles, making it accessible to 20% of the population worldwide (Langues les plus parlées dans le monde | Statista). We hope that we will be able to offer more languages in the future.
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

This SDG aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. We want to create a startup to continue the development of DAISY in Toulouse, where the project began. The iGEM competition will serve as a kick-off to promote the project by giving it credibility and visibility. Implementing our startup will lead to the creation of jobs and directly participate in the economic dynamism of our region. Different qualification levels will be needed for the jobs : research engineers, technicians, specialized engineers, researchers and/or PhD candidates… This would create opportunities for different profiles, bringing diversity and various skills to the team. We want the work environment to be a safe and inclusive place with no dicrimination in hiring, where employees get an appropriate salary commensurate with their experience and qualifications. To achieve this goal, we want to build a strong human resources department, growing with the startup. They would be in charge of watching against discrimination, harassment, overwork, etc. We also want our staff to be trained regarding these subjects.
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This SDG aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, which can release dynamic and competitive forces generating employment and income. This allows the promotion of new technologies, the efficient use of resources and job creation. As our method is brand new, the development of DAISY would lead to the growth of the innovative field of the Toulouse region. As stated in SDG 8, this would also directly lead to economic development and create employment and income. We also use state of the art technologies with the FACS or microdroplets detection methods, which enables us to develop the innovative aspect of our project even more.
Moreover, we want DAISY to be integrated in a resilient infrastructure. We have to think about the impact that our activity will have on our planet. Every small action has a positive impact. This is why we chose our building to meet the criteria of sustainable construction, with particular emphasis on insulation, energy consumption and waste treatment as described in Supporting Entrepreneurship.
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

This SDG aims to ensure susatinable consumption and production patterns. Throughout the development of our project, we thought about how to consume less and to produce less.
We tried to apply this mindset as much as possible during the organization of the French Meet-Up. Indeed, we ate food from a local and sustainable zero-waste company that provided the food in returnable glassware. We encouraged the teams to come by train or bus to the event. We created the award with reclaimed wood that had already been used.
These efforts made during the meetup are examples that can come to mind during the organization of events. In the organization of events in our future start-up, these ideas can be reused and improved to obtain a responsible and sustainable event.
We want to apply this mindset in the laboratory by trying to limit the plastic we used and by preferring glass material, but also many more ideas that we listed in the sustainable reflection of our Supporting Entrepreneurship.
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships — at the global, regional, national and local levels — built upon principles and values, and upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the center. We tried to develop these tools.
Throughout the development of our project, we established partnerships with different objectives and at different scales. We have been supported by TBI and TWB, two biotechnology laboratories from Toulouse. We have also had many discussions with specialists (allergists, microbiologists…) to improve our project and try to fit into the real world as much as possible. We also collaborated with Le Catalyseur which helped us with the implementation part of the project thanks to their knowledge in business development.
We established a partnership with iGEM Thessaloniki, trying to help each other by sharing our strengths and knowledge.
In the long term, we want these partnerships to enable our project to take on a global dimension by adapting to the needs, legislation and mindset of different cultures to our company.