PART 1 Introduction
Our perception on iGEM is that it binds scientific research with public cognition towards science. If we want to make sure our project is fully understood by the public, knowing their level of acceptance and knowledge is necessary. Being the connection bridge between synthetic biology and the public, we must get to know our audiences better, while taking methods into deepening their cognitions on synthetic biology.
PART 2 Survey on Micro NuWa
DNA storage might not be such a new concept to people already in the industry, but it definitely can be described as new to the public. To further investigate public cognitive extent for DNA storage, we chose undergraduates as subjects and asked them about their perspective on DNA storage. A questionnaire was designed containing a dozen of questions based on DNA storage and our project, it also briefly introduced the fundamentals of DNA storage. In the end, we gathered over 100 questionnaires and got a general understanding on undergraduates' cognition towards DNA storage.
PART 3 China iGEM Online Meetup
July, 2022, we participated in an online meetup cohosted by Guangxi University, Jiangnan University,
Northwestern Polytechnical University and Jilin University (GXU-China, Jiangnan_China, NPU_China,
JLU-China). The meetup aimed at a preliminary communication and follow-up collaborations among different
teams at the beginning of the summer vacation. During the meetup, we succinctly introduced our project, and
focused the introduction on gRNA sequencing in the wet lab, as well as the visualization of multi-site
editing in the dry lab.
After the introduction, students that came from other projects concerning Cas9 or simply grew interest in
our project exchanged thoughts with us on various subjects including fundamentals and application,
biological safety, etc. The discussion deepened their recognition towards DNA storage, meanwhile pave the
way for future communication. It is also worth to mention that we learned a lot about how to better conduct
human practice.
PART 4 Online lecture
August 11, 2022, we took part in the online lecture held by Nanjing Audit University live on,
and gave a speech to propagated DNA storage. With the explosive increase of digital information and the
challenge of storage space limitation that existing storage medium are now facing, human race have been
working on new storage methods, of which DNA storage stands as one of the most promising technology.
The histories, techniques and usages of DNA storage were the center of our speech. Especially in the part about techniques, we introduced single-molecule sequencing and made a compendium comparison with others.
The lecture is a big step for people to have a better understanding towards DNA storage, which is rapidly evolving, and updated their knowledge on synthetic biology applying to the domain of information storage. DNA storage can be a breakthrough for information store, for its nucleoside sequence should be able to replace the conventional forms of storage. Meanwhile, this was a precursor for future possibilities, we are in high hopes of helping the public to understand more about and be truly accepting to DNA storage.
CCiC is one of the most important events for the project exchange of Chinese teams in the annual iGEM competition. This year, we participated in the CCiC event hosted by ShanghaiTech University. Affected by the epidemic, this year 's CCiC event was also held online. Through this meeting, we shared our project with all teams who participated in CCiC via video and PPT presentations. What's more, at the meeting, we exchanged with Shanghai Jiao Tong University the latest developments in dry and wet experiments, HP, modeling, etc., deepened the friendship between the two teams, and also promoted follow-up cooperation. Particularly on the experimental aspect, we exchanged our parts to verify that each other's experimental results were correct. On the human practice aspect, we launched a series of activities. Click here for details

PART 6 Education
Ⅰ.Teaching in poverty-stricken areas
During the summer vacation, our plan to volunteer in Fengyu, Yunnan province was forced to carry out online due to the presence of Covid-19. It is a distant and relatively poor area therefore possesses less educational resources. Although living in harsh conditions, children there have great enthusiasm and curiosity about learning all kinds of knowledge. We popularized synthetic biology to the kids, afterwards introduced to them about current researches and application in the field of synthetic biology, such as the synthetic starch and DNA storage, as well as iGEM and Micro NuWa. What left a great impression on us is that many of the kids expressed their genuine interest on synthetic biology, even the wish to become synthetic biologists. In the end, the headmaster send us their gratitude, saying that it also broadened the horizon for teachers. Through this experience, we realized that though a long journey still lies ahead for synthetic biology, it truly stimulated the enthusiasm deep inside most of the children with its fun, creative nature.
Ⅱ.Communication with international students
During the summer vacation, we also took part in the TJU 2022 Chemical Engineering Online Courses with international student, in order to achieve the publicity of iGEM competition and synthetic biology. Over 180 students including high schoolers, undergraduates and post graduates attended our lecture, coming from 20 different counties, such as Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Nigeria, Cambodia and so on. Lots of students showed great interest on iGEM competition, the question we were asked most about is how to participate in the contest.
Ⅲ.Communications with freshmen
September 9, 2022, we popularized synthetic biology towards freshmen coming from the chemical engineering school at the invitation of the Chem-E-Car team. They have a few understanding on biological sciences even synthetic biology, and also showed genuine interest on iGEM.During the lecture, we made a simple introduction on synthetic biology and iGEM, yet regretfully the plan to exhibit our laboratory and experiments was canceled because of Covid-19. Eventually we briefly demonstrated our project and made a discussion with them. To our surprise, a lot of unique and creative opinions were brought up in this process towards future application for DNA. We hope to arouse interest on synthetic biological basic research among them, and are glad to see them join the league of synthetic biology or become the next iGEMer.