Engineering Success


To perform high-throughput screening of mutant nanobodies produced by DNA shuffling cost-effectively, our goal was to immobilise the target antigen (fuGFP) onto cellulose. To achieve this goal, we needed to design fusion proteins that link fuGFP to one of several cellulose-binding domains (CBDs). Our first attempt at the engineering cycle with the construction of our CBD fusion parts was resoundingly unsuccessful. This was where we implemented the iGEM certified engineering cycle, designing an improved part, building it into our expression vector, testing their binding capacity and fluorescence and learning from the results by comparison of the two parts functions.

Our initial research found that the Imperial iGEM Team (2014) created fusion proteins of sfGFP with CBDs clos, cex, cipA and cenA. Therefore, we decided to base the CBD segments of our fusion proteins on those four CBDs and obtained the nucleotide sequences from the iGEM parts registry. We designed our initial fuGFP-CBD fusions and expressed them in our in-house expression vector pUS250 E. coli. Successful fuGFP-CBD fusion proteins should be most obviously distinguished by fluorescence under UV.

First Engineering Cycle

Iteractive DBTL cycle: design, build, test, learn.

D: In our first iteration of fuGFP-CBD fusion proteins, we placed the sequence for fuGFP upstream of each of the CBDs clos (BBa_K4488007), cex (BBa_K4488008), cipA (BBa_K4488009) and cenA (BBa_K4488010) and separated by a 2 amino acid segment. Furthermore, we added recognition sites for BsaI and BamHI at the start of our fusion protein sequences, and XhoI and BsaI sites at the end of the sequence to allow for cloning into pUS250v3 and pET28c(+) (Figure 1).

A screenshot from snapgene of the first design of fuGFP-CBD fusion protein sequences. fuGFP is placed upstream of CBDs (clos, cipA, cenA, and cex). Restriction sites were added for BamHI, XhoI, and BsaI.
Figure 1. First design of fuGFP-CBD fusion protein sequences. fuGFP is placed upstream of CBDs (clos, cipA, cenA, and cex). Restriction sites were added for BamHI, XhoI, and BsaI.

B: To build our proteins, we ordered synthetic DNA for each of our 4 fuGFP-CBDs, cloned them into pUS250v3, and transformed them into TOP10 E. coli. We expect that if the fusion proteins are successfully expressed this would be most easily discerned from the fluorescence displayed by bacteria.

T: Our initial testing included measuring whole cell fluorescence of transformed E. coli. We found that only induced cells expressing fuGFP-CBDcipA were significantly more fluorescent than uninduced cells (Figure 2). Very minor or insignificant differences in fluorescence were observed for cells expressing the other 3 fuGFP-CBD designs.

Scratch plate of initial transformants of fuGFP-CBD constructs grown on a LB kanamycin 50 μg/mL.
Figure 2. Scratch plate of initial transformants of fuGFP-CBD constructs grown on a LB kanamycin 50 μg/mL. Constructs are induced in the presence of cumate 100 μmol/mL.

L: We hypothesised that the unexpected results were caused by misfolding of fuGFP, as we adapted the fusion proteins designs from a previous iGEM team, who used sfGFP instead of fuGFP. sfGFP folds reliably in native conditions (Pédelacq et al. 2006), whereas fuGFP has not been reported to do so. We believe that the close proximity between the CBD and fuGFP domains may interfere with protein folding of the fuGFP beta-barrel, resulting in quenching of the fluorophore and the poor fluorescence observed from most constructs.

Second Engineering Cycle

Iteractive DBTL cycle: design, build, test, learn.

D: Existing literature suggests flexible glycine-serine linkers can be used to improve the stability and folding of fusion proteins (Chen et al. 2013). Therefore, to improve the functionality of our fusion proteins, we redesigned the region between the two functional domains, adding a flexible (GGGGS)3 linker between the GFP C terminus and the CBD N terminus in the second interaction of our fusion protein (Figure 3). We expected that cells expressing the new fuGFP-linker-CBD construct would be more fluorescent.

A screenshot from snapgene of the second design of fuGFP-CBD fusion protein sequences. A flexible (GGGGS)3 linker was placed between fuGFP and CBD domains.
Figure 3. Second design of fuGFP-CBD fusion protein sequences. A flexible (GGGGS)3 linker was placed between fuGFP and CBD domains.

B: To build our fusion proteins, we ordered synthetic DNA for our new designs, cloned them into pUS250v3, and transformed TOP10 E. coli for testing. The new parts were named fuGFP-linker-CBDclos (BBa_K4488011), fuGFP-linker-CBDcex (BBa_K4488012), fuGFP-linker-CBDcipA (BBa_K4488013) and fuGFP-linker-CBDcenA (BBa_K4488014)

T: When testing the fluorescence of both uninduced and induced E. coli expressing the fusion proteins we found that all E. coli expressing the improved fuGFP-linker-CBD had higher average fluorescence compared to E. coli expressing the respective original fuGFP-CBDs without a linker (Figure 4). Furthermore, significant increases in fluorescence were observed between induced E. coli expressing fuGFP-linker-CBD compared to uninduced E. coli. We also found that cells expressing fuGFP-linker-CBDcipA were the most fluorescent overall.

A bar chart showing relative fluorescence measurements for fuGFP-CBD without a linker, and a graph for improved fuGFP-linker-CBD, side-by-side.
Figure 4. Relative fluorescence measurements for fuGFP-CBD without a linker (top) and improved fuGFP-linker-CBD (bottom). 200 μL of E. coli culture for each construct was grown in a 96-well plate in LB with kanamycin (50 μg/mL) and either induced with cumate (100 μM) or not induced for 11 hours. The fluorescence at the end of 11 hours was divided by OD600 to obtain values for comparison.

L: Cumulatively, we learned from these results that we successfully improved our original fusion protein designs through re-engineering with the addition of a flexible linker and recorded their improved functionality through improved fluorescence (Figure 5). Further experiments show that these improved fusion proteins also bind strongly to cellulose and are eluted with glucose and we have described these findings on our main Results page.

A screenshot from snapgene of the second design of fuGFP-CBD fusion protein sequences. A flexible (GGGGS)3 linker was placed between fuGFP and CBD domains.
Figure 5. LB-kanamycin patch plates of fuGFP-CBDs (left) and fuGFP-linker-CBDs with improved fluorescence(right). 25 μL of 100 mM cumate was added to each plate to induce protein expression.


Chen, X., Zaro, J.L. and Shen, W.-C. 2013, ‘Fusion protein linkers: Property, design and functionality’, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 65(10), 1357-1369.

Imperial iGEM Team (2014)., Team:Imperial/Functionalisation -,

Pédelacq, J.-D., Cabantous, S., Tran, T., Terwilliger, T.C., and Waldo, G.S. 2006. Engineering and characterization of a superfolder green fluorescent protein. Nature Biotechnology, 24(1), 79-88.