1. Construction of the antimicrobial peptide expression plasmids
We design five plasmids: The DNA sequences of the four antimicrobial peptides Hydramacin-1, Spheniscin-2, LL-37, and
Sparamosin26-54 were inserted into the XbaI and XhoI sites of the pET-28a(+) vector, respectively. The fifth one was
a fusion antimicrobial peptide that connects LL-37 and Sparamosin26-54 through a linker, which was also inserted
into the pET-28a(+) vector for protein expression, as shown in Figure1.

In order to build our plasmids, we let the synthetic company synthesize
three target
gene fragments, Hydramacin-1 integrate it into the pUC57 vector, Spheniscin-2,
integrate them into the pET-28a(+) vector respectively. The certificate of synthesize analysis are as follows.
Certificate of Analysis of Hydramacin-1-pUC57
Certificate of Analysis of Spheniscin-2- pET-28a(+)
Certificate of Analysis of LL-37-Linker-Sparamosin26-54-
Then, we amplify Hydramacin-1, LL-37, and Sparamosin26-54 by PCR (Figure2.),
double-enzyme digestion, and ligase to pET28a(+) carrier, respectively, to obtain the other three plasmids
Hydramacin-1- pET28a(+), LL-37- pET28a(+), and Sparamosin26-54- pET28a(+).

M: DNA Marker.
L: The gene fragment of LL-37, 111bp, correct
S: The gene fragment of Sparamosin26-54, 84bp, correct
H: The gene fragment of Hydramacin-1, 252bp, correct
We send the constructed recombinant plasmid to a sequencing company for sequencing. The returned sequencing
comparison results showed that there were no mutations in the ORF region (Figure3-7.), and the plasmid was
successfully constructed. So far, we have successfully obtained five recombinant plasmids, which were respectively
on the pET28a(+) vector, which can be used to express antimicrobial peptide proteins.

2. Protein expression and purification
In order to obtain the five antimicrobial peptide proteins, we transferred the recombinant plasmids into E.coli
BL21(DE3), expanded the culture in the LB medium, and added IPTG to induce protein expression when the
OD600 reached
0.4. After overnight induction and culture, we collected the cells and ultrasonic fragmentation of cells to release
the intracellular proteins. Next, we used nickel column purification to purify the antibacterial peptide protein we
wanted. The concentration of each protein was measured as:
0.212mg/L Hydramacin-1, 0.208mg/mL Sparamosin26-54, 0.42mg/mL LL-37, 0.74mg/mL Spheniscin-2, and 0.431mg/mL Fusion.
At this point, we got the five antimicrobial peptide protein solutions we wanted.
0.212mg/L Hydramacin-1, 0.208mg/mL Sparamosin26-54, 0.42mg/mL LL-37, 0.74mg/mL Spheniscin-2, and 0.431mg/mL Fusion.
At this point, we got the five antimicrobial peptide protein solutions we wanted.
3. Antibacterial ability test
To confirm the ability of the our purified antimicrobial peptide to inhibit bacterial growth, we used E.coli
DH5-alpha as bacteria, and antibiotics as a positive control for bacteriostatic test experiments.
To better show the relationship between the concentration of antimicrobial peptides and the inhibition of bacterial growth, we added 100 μL of DH5α and 100 μL of different concentrations of the antimicrobial peptide to each of the five test tubes. Our five test tubes were filled with the antimicrobial peptide stock solution and diluted 1, 5, 25, 125, and 625 times solution, and repeated three times for each concentration to form the average data graph with error bars.
The results showed that the five antimicrobial peptide proteins had significant antibacterial effects at double dilution concentrations. A single antimicrobial peptide protein can be seen to inhibit the growth of about 60% of bacteria in the range of 5 to 25 times dilution. The antibacterial effect of the Fusion antimicrobial peptide is the best, with about 60% when diluted 625 times. It shows that our antimicrobial peptide products do have a significant antibacterial function, and the antibacterial function of the fusion antimicrobial peptide is the best. A detailed analysis of the antibacterial effect of each antimicrobial peptide is given below.
To better show the relationship between the concentration of antimicrobial peptides and the inhibition of bacterial growth, we added 100 μL of DH5α and 100 μL of different concentrations of the antimicrobial peptide to each of the five test tubes. Our five test tubes were filled with the antimicrobial peptide stock solution and diluted 1, 5, 25, 125, and 625 times solution, and repeated three times for each concentration to form the average data graph with error bars.
The results showed that the five antimicrobial peptide proteins had significant antibacterial effects at double dilution concentrations. A single antimicrobial peptide protein can be seen to inhibit the growth of about 60% of bacteria in the range of 5 to 25 times dilution. The antibacterial effect of the Fusion antimicrobial peptide is the best, with about 60% when diluted 625 times. It shows that our antimicrobial peptide products do have a significant antibacterial function, and the antibacterial function of the fusion antimicrobial peptide is the best. A detailed analysis of the antibacterial effect of each antimicrobial peptide is given below.
a) Functional test of Hydramacin-1

We confirmed the ability to use the Hydramacin-1 antimicrobial peptide to inhibit bacterial growth by first testing
it against DH5α. As shown in the graph, the less diluted the antimicrobial peptide is, the more impact it has on
bacterial growth. Just like the experiments we ran on Fusion, LL-37, Spheniscin-28, and Sparamosin-26, the positive
control group is composed of 100μl of DH5α along with 100μl of liquid LB broth that contains Kanamycin and the
negative control group contains 100μl of DH5α and 100μl of the peptide coded according to the empty pET-28a(+)
plasmid. Although the average OD600 absorbance for the solution that contains 100μl of bacteria and 100μl
of the
Hydramacin-1 antimicrobial peptide that has been diluted 625, 125, and 25 times are relatively lower than the
absorbance of the negative control group, the error bars of these variations overlap with each other. The overlap in
their error bars hints that their OD600 absorbance is not significantly different from each other,
meaning that when
diluted 625, 125, and 25 times, the antimicrobial peptide plays an insignificant role in bacterial inhibition.
However, there is a decrease in OD600 absorbance after applying the antimicrobial peptide that has been
diluted 5
times. The drop in OD600 absorbance is further emphasized when we directly applied the antimicrobial
peptide that
has not been diluted to the DH5α bacteria. With the error bars of both of these variations not overlapping with
those of the negative control group, the data shows the feasibility of using Hydramacin-1 antimicrobial peptide as a
way to inhibit bacterial growth. While there is a drastic decrease in the OD600 absorbance where the
antimicrobial peptide that has not been diluted was applied, the graph shows that Kanamycin, the antibody that was
used in the positive control group, is still a better bacterial inhibitor. Nevertheless, we can continue to
concentrate the peptide solution, making its concentration higher than 0.212mg/ml. With a higher concentration, the
Hydramacin-1 antimicrobial peptide may be a better bacterial inhibitor compared to Kanamycin or other antibodies.
b) Functional test of Spheniscin-2

The graph above indicates that the less diluted the protein Spheniscin-2 solution is, the more bactericidal it is.
Compared to other bars in the chart, the one with 1:1 dilution has the most significant effect on sterilization,
which can eliminate almost 77.79% of bacteria. However, the histograms of Spheniscin-2 antimicrobial peptides
diluted by 625, 125, and 25-fold LB medium were virtually identical to the graph of the negative control group,
indicating that they had a little sterilizing effect. And the antimicrobial peptide diluted by five times had some
antibacterial ability, but it was not as significant as the sterilization effect of Spheniscin-2 antimicrobial
peptide stock solution.
c) Functional test of LL-37

We also used the same operation to dilute an antimicrobial peptide called LL37. In this histogram, the heights of
antimicrobial peptides that have been diluted 625x and 125x with LB medium are almost the same as that of the
negative control group, indicating that the sterilization ability of these two samples is practically absent. In
contrast, the sample diluted 25 times LB had a significant sterilizing effect but was not as good as the one with
five times. The best sterilization effect was the LL37 stock solution, which could sterilize up to 75.74%.
d) Functional test of Sparamosin 26-54

We performed dilution of the antimicrobial peptide Sparamosin26-54 using the same procedure and operation. By
comparing the height of the histograms and the margin of error, we learned that the antimicrobial peptide
sterilization after 625-fold LB solution dilution was not competent because its height was higher than the image
height of the negative control. The samples diluted by 125x and 5x were similar in sterilization ability, but the
25x was a bit worse than both. Among all models, the Sparamosin26-54 stock solution had the best antimicrobial
effect, which could reach 76.20%.
e) Functional test of Fusion

As the graph shows, the less the Fusion antimicrobial peptide was diluted, the stronger its ability to inhibit
bacterial growth. However, even considering the error bars, the 625 times dilution had a better ability to inhibit
bacterial growth than the 125-fold dilution. Therefore, we compared the experimental results of the Fusion
antimicrobial peptides with the crude extracts in the preliminary experiment and found that these antimicrobial
peptides have a slightly better ability to inhibit bacterial growth at lower concentrations than at concentrations
around the median. The OD600 absorbance was not significantly different from that of the negative control
group when
it was located at the median concentration, i.e., 125-fold and 25-fold diluted solutions, which shows that the
antimicrobial peptides did not work efficiently at this concentration. However, with the decrease in dilution and
the increase of antimicrobial peptide concentration, the OD600 absorbance decreased significantly and
reached an
average of 0.1602 at double dilution. Although this value is still somewhat high compared to the positive control
with kanamycin, it can be inferred from the above table that at higher concentrations of the antimicrobial peptide,
Fusion antimicrobial peptide is likely to replace kanamycin as a more effective bacterial inhibitor.