In the process of fish farming, whether it is large-scale farming for fishery or family farming for ornamental
purposes, maintaining a clean growth environment is of great significance to the growth of fish. In particular, the
lack of a perfect water circulation system for fish farming can easily lead to poor water quality in the fish tank,
which will directly affect the growth of fish.
This project develops a product containing the natural antimicrobial peptide (AMP)
Hydramacin-1, which is discovered while investigating the epithelial defense of the ancient metazoan Hydra. It is
active both against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria including multi-resistant human pathogenic strains. And
it has many advantages such as low side effects and not easy development of drug resistance. Our experimental data
indicated its significant effect on cleaning the water in the fish tank. Therefore, our product will provide a water
quality improvement plan for fish farming.
How we design our plasmid
Because the T7 promoter and T7 RNA polymerase have strong ability in translation and
usually be used as protein expression, we choose pET28a-vector and E.coli BL21(DE3), with T7 promoter and T7 RNA
polymerase respectively, to express our target protein Hydramacin-1. To achieve this, we designed the DNA sequences
of Hydramacin-1 to be inserted into the XbaI and XhoI sites of the pET-28a(+) vector (Figure 1.), transferred the
recombinant plasmid into E.coli BL21(DE3) for protein expression.

How we build our plasmid
To build the plasmid, we let the synthetic company synthesize the DNA
fragment of Hydramacin-1 and integrate it
into the pUC57 vector. Then, we did is go for the PCR to amplify the DNA fragment of Hydramacin-1. At the same time,
we did the plasmid extraction to obtain the plasmid pET-28a(+). The second step was double-enzyme digestion. The
goal of digestion was to get the linearized pET-28a(+) vector and inserted DNA fragments of Hydramacin-1. The third
step was to ligate the inserts and linearized vector and transfer the ligation product into E.coli DH5α competent.

Line M: DNA marker
Line 1: The gene fragment of Hydramacin-1, 252bp, correct
Line 2: The gene fragment of Sparamosin26-54, 84bp, correct
Line 3: The gene fragment of LL-37, 111bp, correct
We send the constructed recombinant plasmid to a sequencing company for
sequencing. The returned sequencing
comparison results showed that there were no mutations in the ORF region (Figure 3.), and the plasmid pET-28a(+)-
Hydramacin-1 was successfully constructed. And the last step was extracting the recombinant plasmid from E.coli DH5α
and transferring it into E.coli BL21(DE3) competent, so that can be used to express AMP proteins.

How we test our AMP
a) Protein expression and purification
In order to obtain the AMP protein, expanded the culture pET-28a(+)- Hydramacin-1/BL21(DE3) in the LB medium, and
added IPTG to induce protein expression when the OD600 reached 0.4. After overnight induction and
culture, we
collected the cells and ultrasonic fragmentation of cells to release the intracellular proteins. Next, we used
nickel column purification to purify the antibacterial peptide protein we wanted. The concentration of Hydramacin-1
protein was measured as 0.212mg/mL. At this point, we got the Hydramacin-1 protein solutions we wanted.

b) Functional test through inhibiting a single species of bacterial growth
To confirm the ability of our purified Hydramacin-1 protein to inhibit bacterial growth, we used E.coli DH5α as
bacteria for bacteriostatic test experiments. The positive control group is composed of 100μl of DH5α along with
100μl of liquid LB broth that contains Kanamycin and the negative control group contains 100μl of DH5α and 100μl of
the protein coded according to the empty pET-28a(+) plasmid.
As shown in the graph, the less diluted the Hydramacin-1 protein is, the more impact it has on bacterial growth.
Just like the experiments we ran on LL-37, Spheniscin-28, Sparamosin26-54, and Fusion. Although the
absorbance for the solution that contains 100μl of bacteria and 100μl of the Hydramacin-1 AMP that has been diluted
625, 125, and 25 times are relatively lower than the OD600 absorbance of the negative control group, the
error bars
of these variations overlap with each other. The overlap in their error bars hints that their OD600
absorbance is
not significantly different from each other, meaning that when diluted 625, 125, and 25 times, the AMP plays an
insignificant role in bacterial inhibition. However, there is a decrease in OD600 absorbance after
applying the AMP
that has been diluted 5 times. The drop in OD600 absorbance is further emphasized when we directly
applied the AMP
that has not been diluted to the DH5α bacteria. With the error bars of both of these variations not overlapping with
those of the negative control group, the data shows the feasibility of using Hydramacin-1 AMP as a way to inhibit
bacterial growth. While there is a drastic decrease in the OD600 absorbance where the Hydramacin–1 AMP
that has not
been diluted was applied, the graph shows that Kanamycin, the antibody that was used in the positive control group,
is still a better bacterial inhibitor. Nevertheless, we can continue to concentrate the peptide solution, making its
concentration higher than 0.212mg/mL. With a higher concentration, the Hydramacin-1 AMP may be a better bacterial
inhibitor compared to Kanamycin or other antibodies.

c) Functional test through inhibiting real mixed bacterial growth
After confirming the feasibility of using AMP against E. coli DH5α which is cultured in the laboratory, we used the
same experimental set-up to test their effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of real mixed bacteria acquired from
Haichang Ocean Park. While the positive and negative control group are all composed of the same solutions, we
conducted this experiment with 11 different concentrations, each increasing with a ratio of 2. Through doing this,
we hope to find the best concentration at which our antimicrobial peptide works.
Similar to the trends presented in our results section, the less diluted the peptide, the more effective it is. Just
like the OD600 absorbance results when we tested the Hydramacin-1 AMP against DH5α, the OD600
absorbance is only
significantly lower than that of the negative control group when the peptide solution was diluted 8 times or less.
Specifically, we see a drastic decrease in the OD600 absorbance when the peptide was only diluted 4
times. Stopping
at an OD600 absorbance of 0.1296 when the peptide was undiluted at all, the OD600 absorbance
of the undiluted AMP is
slightly higher than that of the positive control group. Although the graph shows that Kanamycin, the antibody used
in the positive control group, was able to inhibit bacterial growth better, the Hydramacin-1 can plausibly be a
better bacterial inhibitor if we concentrate the protein more. With the current concentration being 0.212mg/mL,
increasing it to 0.4mg/mL or 0.5mg/mL may make it a better bacterial growth inhibitor when compared to existing
antibodies. In conclusion, our Hydramacin-1 products still have great potential in inhibiting real mixed bacteria

d) Functional test with more specific concentrations
Based on the test results using the double dilution method to dilute the antimicrobial peptide and test on DH5α and
Oceanarium bacteria, we conducted another round of dilution and testing for more accurate data and effect analysis.
In this test, we uniformly diluted the antimicrobial peptide to micromolar concentrations and constructed at least
nine gradients for the peptide. Similar to the trend of our first experimental results, the lower the dilution of
the antimicrobial peptide, the more effective it was. When the concentration of Hydramacin-1 protein reached 8μM, it
could sterilize and inhibit bacteria to OD600 absorbance value 0.5 and below. When the concentration of
protein reaches 15μM, it can sterilize and inhibit bacteria growth to the OD600 absorbance value of 0.25
or below,
and its antimicrobial effect is even better than that of kanamycin. This confirms our inference above. After the
concentration of Hydramacin-1 protein reaches a certain level (equal to or greater than 15μM), our peptide products
can achieve the effect of sterilization beyond antibiotics. This result is really encouraging.

How we learn from our project
We have already collected the figures from our experiments. Hydramacin-1 has the effect of controlling bacterial
proliferation. And we find out that the best dilution of this antimicrobial peptide is equal to or greater than
15μM. From the figure, we can find out that AMP has the perfect effect of antibacterial effect. After using AMP, we
can make the growth of the bacteria decrease by about 90%, so it can control bacterial proliferation efficiently. By
the way, when we compared these data with the positive control group, we surprisingly find that the effect of the
AMP is better than that.
Because of the great effect of the AMP, we believe that if we can use the AMP in the future and promote it in the
market, it will become a great power to fight against bacteria, and reduce the time period for changing the water in
large aquarium fish tanks, thereby achieving the purpose of protecting water resources and contributing to the
protection of the earth's ecological environment.
In the future, when the technology of AMPs becomes better, it may be applied to animal feeding, which can enhance
the ability of animals to resist bacterial infection without causing the production of “super bacteria”, making the
meat ingested by people more rest assured. In the future, AMPs products can even be used in the treatment of human
diseases to treat diseases such as inflammation caused by bacterial infection.