
This page contains information about the parts created by the team.

Basic parts

BBa_ K4376001 encodes for the blue-pigment indigoidine synthetase, which carries strong fluxes toward L-glutamate, a precursor of indigoidine. In our project, we sue it to produce indigoidine. BBa_K4376002 encodes for the tac inducible promoter, which can be recognized by RNA polymerase and starts to transcribe as well as control the time and level of gene expression. In our project, tac promoter controls the expression of bpsA gene. indigoidine synthetase.

BBa_K4376001 Protein_DomainProduce indigoidine (+/-)Jiawei Yan3894 bp
BBa_K4376002 Othercontrol the expression of bpsA geneJiawei Yan53 bp