
The new information for parts.

It is important to make contributions to parts for future iGEM teams correctly in the competition. Therefore, we added some information about the biology and usage, as well as the experimental approaches to the existing parts.

We supplemented the following existing parts.

BioBricksType of characterisationCodes in the lab
BBa_K302010 From experimentbpsA
BBa_K2275010 From literatureglnA
BBa_K2239014 From literaturegdh

The BioBrick BBa_K302010 encodes for the blue-pigment indigoidine synthetase, and was first used by team iGEM10_Newcastle in 2010. We have supplemented related information such as experimental approaches and biology and usages.

The BioBrick BBa_K2275010 encodes for the GS enzyme, and was first used by team iGEM17_NCKU_Tainan in 2017. We have supplemented related information such as experimental approaches and biology and usages.

The BioBrick BBa_K 2239014 encodes for the glucose dehydrogenase, and was first used by team iGEM17_SDSZ-China in 2017. We have supplemented related information such as experimental approaches.