
Explain your model's assumptions, data, parameters, and results in a way that anyone could understand.


In the modelling part, we faced difficulties while demonstrating our own model. Therefore, we consulted models of previous iGEM teams and apply the models on our project. The problem we aimed to solve by modelling are: (1) the expression strength of tac promoter under different concentration of IPTG solvent (2) the optimum time for the productionyield of L-glutamine and natural indigodine dye (3) the effect of the indigodine dye produced, including its diffusion on different types of media and its pattern.

Modelling the expression strength of tac promoter under different concentration of IPTG solvent

This model from team NWU-China-A shows a linear relationship between substrate concentration and product concentration, which is an exponential function based on its original function of Trp-time and [6-BrlG]-time:

This model can also be used in our study of the expression intensity of TAC promoter in IPTG solution with different concentrations ( the indigodine production generated in the same time), where the relationship between the IPTG solution’s concentration and indigodine production should also be linear.The bigger the concentration of IPTG solution, the larger the indigodine production.

Modelling the optimum time for the production yield of L-glutamine and natural indigodine dye

The model we have referred to is the model of 6BrIG Production Modelof BJU_China team in 2021. The team developed the model based on mathematical calculations and analysis in order to establish a bridge between their theoretical framework and their experimental process. By calculation the change in theamount of Trp, 6Br-Trp, 6Br-Indole and 6BrIG is obtained in formula form.The formula are then analysed.

As time progresses. 6Br-Trp and 6Br-Indole reach the limit fast, at the same time 6BrIG increases with time, until the concentration of Trp reaches 0 where 6BrIG reaches its maximum value. In the ideal situation, the Trp put in will be entirely turned into 6BrIG. In our project we plan to use this model to calculate the optimum time for the production yield of L-glutamine and natural indigodine dye. Therefore, we can better understand the reactions and better optimize the production process.

Modelling the effect of the indigodine dye produced

The model we have consulted is from NWU_China_A in 2021. It aims to demonstrate the diffusion of Tyrian purple dye on different media and of different pattern. By mathematical calculation, according to the Fickerty’s Law and Einstein-Stokes Law, the formula is obtained.

Interpreting data into the above formula, the result is obtained as shown.

From this, it can be deduced that the optimal dyeing time is 16 minutes. In addition, different concentrations of dyes can be put into different areas to get different pattern.The model can also be used in our project to determine the optimal dyeing time, media and the ability of dyeing in patterns of indigodine. We hope that the model can help improve the dyeing ability and dyeing process of the product.


