
Parts Information of Nanjing-China

All the following parts have been used in our experiments and they were tailored elaborately by the whole team. Here we present details of these parts for better use in the future, including their functions, testing data, methods of use, and so on.

Part Number Part Name Part Type Abstract Matching Medal
BBa_K4134001 AtoxⅠ Coding AtoxⅠ(Homo sapiens antioxidant Ⅰcopper chaperone) has been reported to combine silver ions in form of a tetrasilver cluster in its dimer. Atox1 captures silver ions and paves the way for a new approach to synthesizing silver nanoparticles. Silver
BBa_K4134002 AgBP2 Coding AgBP2 is a typical silver-binding peptide consisting of 12 amino acids. The silver-binding protein AgBP2 was selected from a combinatorial peptide display library and it presents a higher Ag(I) affinity value \(K_a=6.30 \pm 0.5\cdot 10^{7}\) than many other typical silver-binding proteins, such as Ag4 and AgP35. Silver
BBa_K4134011 BpfA(C-terminal 1000bp) Coding BpfA stands for the biofilm-promoting protein A, a large surface protein. This 1000bp-long fragment of BpfA is the head of our homologous recombination device, which fuses the destination fragment to the C-terminus of BpfA. Silver
BBa_K1980007 pCusC mKate2 Reporter This composite part consists of the promoter pCusC (BBa_K1980004), a copper-responsive promoter activated by the CusS/R two-component system, with a downstream RFP variant (mKate). We expand its applications as silver ions indicator through reference support and our experimental results. Bronze
BBa_K4134066 BpfA-Atox1-Linker-KanR-loxP-AggC Device We designed a device for fusion protein recombination. With this device, you can display any small protein to the C-terminus of BpfA, a large membrane protein of S. oneidensis. Considering the addition of KanR, you can easily confirm whether homologous recombination succeeds or not, since only the recombinants can grow into colonies on the medium supplemented with kanamycin. The part number for the existing part we improved: BBa_K1795024 Gold