

Wei Wei

Our PI, Prof. Wei Wei offered endless enthusiasm and meaningful guidance toward our research. He inspired our project in many aspects and supported us to put our ideas into reality from beginning to end.

Instructor and advisors

Jing Zhao

Dr. Zhao instructed the work of the experimental group;

This is the first time for our team and laboratory to carry out a project on microbial fuel cells, and there are many aspects to learn from scratch. She guided us through the experimental work with perfect patience and care. We were deeply impressed by her rigorous attitude toward scientific research.

She helped us a lot during the construction of our homologous recombination system for fusing expression; Zhao also contacted reliable biotech companies to carry out those complex experiments, such as silver nanoparticles measurement.

Guantong Qi

He is the leader of last year's team and he assembled this year's iGEM team for something brand new; With his charisma and enthusiasm, he attracted a group of students who wanted to make a difference in synthetic biology.

He has been sharing experience and advice to keep our team's tasks on the right track.

Lekang Chen

He gave us a lot of helpful guidance on building wiki (especially the wiki template) and modeling. Although it was the first time that he had participated in an MFC-related project, he quickly mastered relevant knowledge with his passion for scientific research and learning ability. He helped our team members get familiar with the web design format so that we could present our achievements in various aspects. At the same time, he helped develop the MFC and SAD models, making parameter adjustment much easier.

Team Leaders

Jiankai Liu

He is responsible for experimental group work.

Design and construct plasmids containing BpfA, AgBP2, KanR, and AggC in the bone of pUC57mini;

Construct the homologous recombination device to display AgBP on the C-terminal of Shewanella membrane protein;

Keep in touch with Zhang lab in NJU, learn the operations of some basic electrochemistry experiments, and carry out half-cell tests with the help of our instructor;

Provide materials for presentation and communication.

Cheng Shen

He is responsible for liaising with each team.

Find and contact individual interview subjects and organize interviews;

Organizing events on education and scientific communication;

Review and revise the interview transcript;

Address presentations at the iGEMers exchange meeting.

Team members

Yuxuan Qian

Read and sort out related literature on Shewanella MFC;

Read and sort out related literature on MFC electrode structure;

Record the communication results with Professor Zhang at NJU;

Participate in experiments (plasmid extraction, enzyme digestion, electrophoresis, glue recovery, elecrotanformation, etc.);

Write the results part of the wiki.

Yilei Liu

Contact Pro. Zhang, Jianrong in NJU;

Contact neighborhood committee (fail);

Conduct a survey about public views on synthetic biology, biosensor, and sewage treatment;

Make Nanjing-China souvenirs;

Collect MFC-related laws and regulations;

Hold a lecture for sophomore students;

Discuss biosafety attentions in our project.

Ningxin Wang

Participate in the interview with Guo Lichuan, an investor in the field of biotechnology;

Participate in interviews and field visits to a sewage treatment plant;

Participate in the interview with Nanjing Lotus Environmental Protection Technology Company;

Participate in the presentation of synthetic biology in cooperation with Nanjing Foreign Language School.

Mingrong Zheng

Participate in Human Practice.

Yangxuan Zhou

Participate in Human Practice;

Design and create questionnaires;

Participate in interviewing Hunan MT New Material Technology Co., Ltd;

Organize questionnaires and interview results.

Yanting Xiong

Draw the design of the part schematic;

Record narration for promotion video.

Hongbing Yang

Participate in the establishment of MFC models.

Junyi Chen

Participate in the establishment of MFC models.

Yufei Wang

Participate in presentation slide design;

Volunteer to teach the senior high students in Shuangbai online;

Visit Qingdao Institute of Biomass Energy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences;

Participate in the collaboration with XJTLU-China;

Discuss biosafety attentions in our project.

Minyi Qin

Responsible for the experiments about vector construction of Agbp2 in E.coli and purification of Agbp2 fragments;

Conduct the elecrotanformation of Shewanella under different voltage intensities;

Responsible for literature searching concerning the building of an electrochemical workstation and the mechanism of MFC.

Responsible for writing protocols of transformation, electroporation, and biofilm assaying experiments;

Take part in writing a Notebook for the experimental group.

Jingxuan Wang

Draw pictures for poster, wiki, and presentation;

Participate in making promotion videos;

Participate in human practice activities;

Participate in operating our social media account.

Zhisan Cui

Construct plasmids containing BpfA, AgBP2, KanR, and AggC in the bone of pUC57mini;

Conduct the silver nanoparticles measurement with spectrum;

Participate in writing protocol for experiments;

Participate in visiting Qingdao Institute of Biomass Energy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Lang Chen

Design the team emblem and uniform;

Make CCiC poster;

Make 10s clip version of the promotion video;

Participate in PPT making;

Participate in writing a summary of volunteer teaching;

Draw pictures for the wiki.

Bianjiong Yu

Participate in the establishment of MFC and SAD models;

Visit Qingdao Institute of Biomass Energy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences;

Participate in science popularization classes for middle school students with other iGEM teams.

Yang Yu

Responsible for the management and operation of Shewanella WeChat public account and the editing of tweets;

Add subtitles for the promotion video.

Changning Liao

Participate in the work of HP;

Spread synthetic biology concepts and project designs locally.

Zihui Wang

Participate in the work of HP;

Spread synthetic biology concepts and project designs locally.

Xu Ke

Participate in the work of HP;

Spread synthetic biology concepts and project designs locally.

Xuanyou Li

Participated in the work of HP;

Spread synthetic biology concepts and project designs locally.

Ruilan Ni

Participated in the work of HP;

Spread synthetic biology concepts and project designs locally.

Additional Feedback

Chi Xu

Helps us be concerned about the impact of the use of fossil energy on the climate crisis and decide to find cleaner and more renewable energy to meet this challenge.

Lichuan Guo

He told us that MFC has three main limiting factors: electrodes, device design, and strains. 

Jianrong Zhang

Instruct and assist a lot in lab work.

Zhiqi Cong

He suggested that we create a model before building the full cell to help guide our next experiments.

Xingjun Tian

Reminded us that the main application direction of MFCs is sewage treatment.

Hunan Meite New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Gave us a new perspective: many retired power batteries could be used for energy storage.

Suntar Environmental Technology Pte Ltd.

They told us sludge is a relatively serious problem for sewage treatment plants now and hoped to help with it.


Provided a new solution to deal with the sludge.

Zhongqiu Li

We discussed how MFC might help his research, which provided us with a new perspective.


Last but not the least, we would like to thank Prof. Jing Zhao and Wei Wei for providing us with vital financial and intellectual support. We would also like to appreciate the School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University for the assistance to our team.