
XJTLU-CHINA is our long-term stable partner. In the whole process of project advancement, we always maintained sincere communication and helped and inspired each other. We cooperated in experiments, modelling, human practice, etc., and made beneficial efforts for the progress of both our projects.

XJTLU-CHINA designed a water purification filter system to take full advantage of engineered bacteria to treat heavy metal emissions, culminating in the blocking and adsorption recovery of a variety of heavy metal ions in the process of industrial wastewater treatment. Therefore, the reduction of metal ions to elementary substance is a key step in our experiments. In one of our early meetings, we noticed this and collaborated on various fronts.


In terms of experiments, XJTLU-CHINA shared the object and sequence of silver ion detection plasmid silver sensor-GFP in pGEX-4T-1 with us. The two teams also discussed the silver ion and affinity peptide test methods (inductively coupled plasma spectrometer to measure the concentration of silver solution before and after adsorption; and the specially designed silver short peptide competition affinity test). We provided an idea for the silver ion protein affinity test and shared the preparation method of competent bacteria with them.

In the first round of experiments, we used AgBP2 as a silver-binding protein and designed our homologous recombination device, and built the plasmid to amplify the device. However, the electrotransformation failed a few times and we learned that the electrotransformation of Shewanella is relatively difficult. Since that’s a substantial step in experiments, we sought help from XJTLU-CHINA. In discussion, we agreed to try another silver-binding protein Atox1, and adjust the voltage intensity of electrotransformation. Finally, it proved to be a success.


When it comes to modelling, the two teams also shared the Suppressed-Active-Dead (SAD) model of bacterial growth curve under metal ion stress with corresponding codes in terms of bacterial growth curve modelling.

Human Practice

At the beginning of the project, XJTLU wanted to use the questionnaire to determine the exact direction of topic selection. Therefore, we helped them revise the content of the questionnaire to make it more accurate and targeted.

When looking for complementation solutions for our project, during the discussion with XJTLU-CHINA, they inspired us that the organic matter needed by MFC could come from the large amount of sewage produced by the city. After data collection, we find that our city, Nanjing, does produce a lot of sewage, which contains enough organic matter for our MFC to utilize. Therefore, in the final product design, we adopted their suggestions.


The two teams have a meticulous and comprehensive idea exchange through online meetings, and a WeChat group was established for continuous and efficient communication and cooperation between us. In the process of writing our wikis, we often discuss and inspire each other.


Outside of the project, a deep friendship has developed between the members of our two teams. We communicate with each other in all aspects of our study, life, etc., and travel together when we have the opportunity. It is also a wonderful fate to build a precious friendship through competition, which gives extra meaning to the competition.