Improvement of an Existing Part

Information List of Part Improvement

Part number Part name Part type Abstract Matching Medal
BBa_K4134066 BpfA-Linker-Atox1-KanR-loxP-AggC Device We designed a device for fusion protein recombination. With this device, you can display any small protein to the C-terminus of BpfA, a large membrane protein of S. oneidensis. Considering the addition of KanR, you can easily confirm whether homologous recombination succeeds or not, since only the recombinants can grow into colonies on the medium supplemented with kanamycin. The part number for the existing part we improved:Part: BBa_K1795024 Gold

We believe that there are two modes to improve part. One is to optimize the performance of the existing functions of the part, and the other is to expand its application scenarios. Here we chose the latter to implement the improvement of Part: BBa_K1795024.

The existing part BBa_K1795024 provides Kanamycin resistance to the cell under the Promoter R0010. In the absence of LacI protein and CAP protein, this part promotes KanR transcription. In the presence of LacI protein and CAP protein, this part inhibits KanR transcription.

Combined with our own project requirements, we hope to engineer it into a reporter gene of homologous recombination. We kept the KanR coding region and removed its initiation codon so that KanR shares the same initiation codon with BpfA. Then Kanamycin resistance can be used as the basis to judge whether the strain is recombinant that displays silver-binding protein. The recombinant is able to grow on the plate with kanamycin, only if the goal sequence and KanR are recombined to the C-terminal of BpfA successfully.