Throughout the experiment, we cooperated with different groups like Sesame and exchanged crucial ideas with them. We found that our groups shared a lot of similarities in our aims of investigation and we expected that both of our group could benefit a lot from the exchanges.

Our team focused on the uric acid, and used the uric acid detector bacteria. We introduced the promoter, HucO, and HucR in our sensing system to their team. Apart from our works, Sesame also shared their investigations and data. They explained that they focused on the biosecurity. Later we held an online meeting and we learned that we should figure out some software or technical strategies to improve biosecurity. Additionally, some hardware are available to help avoid the leakage of biological information.

As I mentioned, we corporated far more than exchanging our academic ideas. We worked together throughout the experiment and contacted with each other constantly.

Before the main sessions of investigation started, we communicated about our own goals, and clarified the rough plans. Team Sesame pointed out some possible improvements in our plan, such as the genetic circuit which required a more logical cycle.

During the project, we worked together on online posters in the education part. We composed the posters into a puzzle and aimed to an educational purpose. We wanted to improve the social awareness of the importance of biosecurity and knowledge of bio synthetic advances. Besides, the idea of a podcast popped up in our mind to improve our education part. We recorded short audios about hyperuricemia to warn people that serious damages may caused without awareness. These podcasts are intended to further educate the citizens.

Around the final week, our team showed the results to team Sesame and they mindfully pointed out that we need to make our outcomes that faced to the public be less complicated in expressions and be more certain in the central ideas.

In the marketing area, we first conveyed a question paper, and collected potential consumer's preferences and atitudes towards the existed products on the market. We also devided their attitudes by age level. We made use of different social medias to spread our surveys like wechat, QQ space, etc. All of these efforts are just aimed for a more accurate database.

Overall, our partnership activities achieved significant level ,and both our teams yielded beneficial data or outcomes. Besides, all the members learnt the importance of collaboration, and we all look forward for the further cooperations which break the limits of time, location, and topics.