Wechat Platform:

We have our contact information available on our wechat platform for followers to contact our team leader through her private account and discuss about difficulties and problems they might encounter in later parts of their work. We also provide information about the contact person of the lab we performed experiment on and the scheduling process involved through.

Word of the Day terminology:

We also have the word of the day section we used for synthetic biology education available for other teams to access. We believe that later team can apply the knowledge we offer and display them in more creative and imaginative ways to further on our path of providing knowledge for a larger population of people.


We also made a detailed guide about our sensor system of using HucR gene to inhibit transcription of uricase. When scrolling through past projects, we noticed that numerous teams focusing on the cause of resolving teh problem of uric acid treatment and detection incorporate the sensor system as part of their system. Even during our research system, we found that the HucR system is the most commonly used uric acid detection and evaluation system avavilable supported by recent research. We therefore believe that the building and construction process of our HucR system can be useful for subsequent IGEMers.

Also we believe that our system has potential to be expanded. The challenge of curing high uric acid and disease prevention requires collaboration among several groups. We are only a part in the whole chain. Through our collaboration with Sesame team, we saw the potential of combining the two systems, detection and cure together for the greater good. We will be happy to provide support to other teams that needed to develop upon our system.

Team work with others

Our team is also cowrited the preparation guide with SJTU-BioX-Shanghai and Tongji_China team. We write down the difficulties we encountered during the competition due to the epidemic, such as offline experiments, science popularization and cooperation. We also write about how our team overcame these difficulties and solved these problems and about their feelings and experience in the process of preparation. Preparation and participating in IGEM competition requires substantial amount of planning and scheduling, the seemingly long duration must be well utilized toour advantage. Every deadline have to be keep in mind to be qualified to enter the final Jamboree. We have heard of previous incidences of overlooking on several requirements or forgetting about their deadline submissions. We wanted to use our own abilities to avoid this from happening to future teams.

Above all, we are always happy to help connect with other teams we collaborated or communicated upon and contact people in responsible for equipments and resources. We hope for the very best for future generation. We believe the resources we provide will be able to help out later IGEMers.