In the competition, communicating and sharing experiences between different teams are very important. Our success would not have been achieved without the help of different institutions and teams. So, we summarized LZU-hS-Pro-B's interactions and exchanges with other teams over the past few months.

Cooperation with LZU-HS-China-B

Before the experiments in August, some online courses were conducted so that the team members could be well prepared to gain knowledge and practical experience for entering the laboratory with the teachers and even seniors.

During the off-line period, LZU-HS-Pro-B and LZU-HS-China-B came to the laboratory of Intertek Group in Qilai Science Park, Xuhui District, Shanghai for experimental activities. Our goal is to extract fluorescent proteins, which are the results of experiments of LZU-HS-China-B. Both of the teams often share the main processes and results of everyday's experiments.

↑ group pic with LZU-China-B

During the last day of experiments, we had the honor to invite Xu Jie, Associate researcher of School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, and ask him for his suggestions on the prospect of the competition and the project of our team. For example, the future of molecular biology and how the IGEM competition can help and enlighten biological sciences.

The 9th IGEM Exchange Conference

After the experiments, our team attended several Igem biological conferences.

In the 9th IGEM Exchange Conference hosted by Shanghai University of Science and Technology, our group listened to the reports of teams from all over the country, and took this opportunity of communications.


In the opening ceremony, we found that CCiC, as the largest igem exchange meeting in China, would provide lots of valuable experience. It is also a convenient platform for each team to see the project introductions and achievements of other teams.

The name of project of BFSU-ICUnited team is "Development of electrochemical biosensor for Bisphenol a in Escherichia coli based on tyrosinase Display". Although their direction is in environmental science: the detection of atmospheric and environmental pollutant concentrations, it gives our team a lot of possibilities regarding increase of the uses of biological enzymes.

The project carried out by the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) team and our "painless uric Acid detector" have one thing in common: "pain classification system based on pain marker detection". The classification of pain helps our team to have a better definition of "painless" or minor pain, and also inspires our team to further design and improve the detector.

Cooperations and communications

In order to further promote the idea of safety in Synbio, we contacted several igem teams through various means to organize a biosecurity roundtable. In this meeting, we mainly discussed the teams' work on safety precautions. We invited Mr. Boyan Zhang from Zhejiang University, the safety leader of the team that won the iGEM safety award last year, to share with us their experience and design of gene flowback pathways.

↑ Teams participated

We have participated in crispr meetup with Hainan University. In the conference we discussed cutting-edge technology in synthetic biology, and some common problems we might encounter in iGEM. We also communicated about human practice and wiki design, attendees shared lots of constructive ideas, which helped our team to improve and redesign our wiki, and rearrange our human practice activities.

As a team, we co-organized the Synthetic Biology and Youth Synthetic Biology Science Exchange Conference with Gansu Microbiology Society on July 17, 2022. We were fortunate to have Prof. Xiangkai Li from the School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Prof. Wang from Zhejiang University, and Prof. Kevin Couloures from Stanford University to open a session on the frontiers of synthetic biology and microbial engineering, and we invited several teams of high school students to attend this conference. We plan to let more high school students have a close experience of synthetic biology through this lecture. During the conference, people shared their understanding of synthetic biology as high school students and gave very good feedback on the lectures we held during the follow-up feedback.

The three examples above are the best communications between the teams. These invaluable experiences have greatly promoted researches of our team's project.