
Dry Team Attribution

Wet Team Attribution

External Help Acknowledgement

Only with the following external help can our team attain the final step, which is close enough to help every stakeholder to envision our final accomplishment.


  • Mr. Lu Jian - Doctor of China Nanjing Traditional Medicine University. As the first expert we interviewed in our whole project, we gained a tremendous amount of basic information about making medicine. The consideration regarding the cost of time and resources pulled us into a realistic worldview which propelled us to re-consider the applicability of making medicines. We got to know that it will take a long time duration - which is generally more than ten years - it takes to complete check the side effects of the medicine. After that, our business plan becomes more realistic and practical.
  • Ms. Lu Chen - Person in charge of the China Wuhan Engineering University’s Medical department. Ms. Lu Chen majors in Chinese traditional medicine and thus provided us with a huge proportion of information related to the Chinese method of curing diabetes. From the conversation, we got the idea that most medicines nowadays are aiming to perform innovation by combing Western traditional medicine-making techniques and Chinese ones. Therefore, this served as an inspiration for possible development and adjustment we can make to our pills.
  • Mr. Ye Mao - Head of product in an innovation-listed pharmaceutical company in Guangzhou. Mr. Ye Mao had a significant influence on our project as we were struggling hard whether to make medicine or dietary supplement at that time when we interviewed Mr. Ye. As a business person, Mr. Ye recognized the difficulty of making new drugs in China but strongly stressed the inapplicability of making the medicine into a supplement which would bring ethical concerns to the target customers. There is a major difference between supplements and drugs, and therefore, he urged us to ruminate on the idea of producing supplements. After the interview, we had a serious discussion with the whole group in order to reach a unanimous conclusion on the end product we are going to make. The meeting lasted short but it clearly identified the pathway which we should undertake to make new medicine. Although the undeniable challenging nature of this direction was presented fully in front of us, we were still staunch in doing so, for we were encouraged by the truth which people severely lacked innovation in drugs in China. Therefore, we’d rather try instead of eluding the possibility at first.

Business Plan Consultant:

  • Mr. Zhang Andong - venture capital investment person in the field of medicine. Mr. Zhang holds the perspective of a business investment person and therefore warned us about the lengthy time, again, in the process. Besides, he also raised several improvement suggestions on our business plan including making the market research background part more concise. As a result, we re-wrote the part and only kept the necessarily important parts.


  • 2022 iGEM team ATCG (SHBS-BANZ)
  • 2022 iGEM team Caries Flor (SHSID)

Long-term supporting expert in diabetic field of study:

  • Dr. Li Ping - Professor and Chief Physician, M.D., Master's Supervisor, Shengjing Medical Center, China Medical University. Young member of the Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch and secretary of the Pregnancy Group; member of the Diabetes Branch of the Liaoning Medical Association. We luckily had Dr. Li Ping for her incessant weighty feedback on our project. One of the most significant problems she raised was that our target medicine could, in fact, target the FoxO1 protein anywhere in the body. However, we are only aiming to eliminate the activity of FoxO1 in the liver, and therefore, we would have to pay attention to the critical and precise biological regulation system that our drugs would have to hold in order to be safe and effective. After her instructions, we realized this potential area for future development.

Representatives of organizations who attended our online education meeting and raised suggestions for improvements:

  • Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Ltd. of Denmark.
  • Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, France.
  • Eli Lilly and Company, USA
  • Merck Pharmaceutical Co.
  • AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co.
  • Jiangsu Hausen Pharmaceutical Co.
  • Postgraduate student and doctor in the Department of Endocrinology, Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University.
  • Shanghai Jianping West Junior School.

This document serves to credit and acknowledges their help and contributions to Sugar Fox Team’s diabetes project.


  • Wet Lab Instructor: Dr. Ou
  • Dry Lab Instructor: Ms. Zhu
  • Dr. Xin Xu has been providing our team with project brainstorming, and part of project design

Lab and meeting room support

  • Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Kr Space
  • Subcat Academy