1. Construction of our plasmids of interest
At first sight, we decided to do the Golden Gate assembly but we decided to choose a simple method. For the assembly of our BioBricks, we did a method that is widely used: the BioBrick Assembly (Restriction Enzymes) method. For that, we designed our different coding sequences with the basic parts (Ribosome Binding Site (RBS), a T7 promoter, a double terminator) and with the restriction enzyme sites we wanted.
a. Polymerization Plasmid
For the polymerization plasmid (, corresponding to pSB1K3) , our BioBrick is composed of the following composite parts: a D-Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) (, followed by a propionate-CoA transferase (Pct) ( and a Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase (PHAC1) (
Our first step was the digestion of each of our gene fragments with the corresponding restriction enzymes. LDH was digested with XbaI and BamHI. Pct was digested with BamHI and SacI. PHAC1 was digested with SacI and PstI. The pSB1K3 was digested with Xba1 and Pst1 (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Gel electrophoresis of a migration of PHAC1, PCT, pSB1K3 done on 09/05/2022. The DNA ladder is a 1kb DNA Ladder from Promega defined on the left. The first three wells correspond to PHAC1 digested with SacI and PstI. The next two wells correspond to Pct digested with BamHI and SacI. The next three wells correspond to pSB1K3 digested with XbaI and PstI. For both PHAC1 and Pct, the expected size was 1,896bp. The observed bands are below 2,000bp corresponding to the expected size of our inserts. pSB1K3 was also correctly digested.
For LDH, we encountered two problems in our sequences: there was a methylation on XbaI restriction site and the T7 promoter did not have all of its sequence. To correct it, we ordered primers and we did a Polymerase Chain Polymerase (PCR).

Figure 2: Gel electrophoresis of the corrected amplified LDH done on 09/27/2022. The DNA ladder used is the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from NEB that is defined on the left. LDH was corrected on both issues: the methylation and the T7 promoter. Without counting the last well, the last three wells correspond to the amplified LDH. The expected size of the LDH was 1,243 bp. The observed bands are slightly above 1,200bp. These bands correspond to the expected size of the corrected LDH.
Once corrected, we have to digest the amplified fragment of LDH with the restriction enzymes: XbaI and BamHI. However, we did not have any DNA ladder that could permit us to check the digestion of LDH in our stock.

LDH is digested by XbaI and BamHI in silico. The expected size is 1,224bp. The other bands are at 12bp and 7bp.

Figure 4: Gel electrophoresis of the digested LDH obtained from the amplified LDH done on 09/30/22. LDH is digested by XbaI and BamHI. The DNA ladder used is the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from NEB. The expected size is 1,224bp. The other bands are at 12bp and 7bp. The other two bands are not observable on this gel.
Because of the impossibility of checking the digestion of the corrected LDH, we directly tried the assembly of our polymerization BioBrick.
b. Depolymerization plasmid
For the depolymerization plasmid ( corresponding to pSB1A3, our BioBrick is composed of Light-activated DNA-binding protein (EL222) (, followed by the Blue light inducible promoter (Pblind), an inducible promoter, that is activated by EL222 inducing the expression of a Polylactate depolymerase (PLAase) (, and then completed with an alpha-amylase (AmyH) (
The purpose was also to make this construction by also using the restriction enzyme method. EL222 was digested with XbaI and NcoI. PLAase was digested with NcoI and SacI. AmyH was digested with SacI and PstI.

Figure 5: Gel electrophoresis of a migration of EL222, pSB1A3 done on 08/26/2022. The DNA ladder is a 1kb DNA Ladder from Promega. The first three wells correspond to EL222 digested with XbaI and NcoI. The next two wells correspond to pSB1A3 digested with XbaI and PstI. EL222 was not digested. pSB1A3 was correctly digested mainly on the third well because three bands were observed. Xba1 cut at two sites. The correct band is the above one at 2,053bp.

Figure 6: Expected result from the pSB1A3 digested from Benching. pSB1A3 is digested by XbaI and PstI in silico. The expected size is 2,053bp. The other bands are at 1,329bp and 948bp.
For these results on EL222, we checked the sequence and we saw a methylation on the XbaI site preventing the cut by XbaI. We ordered the correct sequence without the methylation. However, we received EL222 as a gene fragment. So we could not check if it was correctly digested or not.

Figure 7: Gel electrophoresis of a migration of the correct EL222 digested on 09/21/22. The DNA ladder used is the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from NEB.Without counting the DNA ladder, the third well corresponds to EL222 digested with XbaI and NcoI. Digested EL222 length is 929bp. The other bands are not observable but they are at 8bp and 12bp.

Figure 8: Expected result from the EL222 digested from Benching. EL222 is digested by XbaI and NcoI in silico. The expected size EL222 length is 929bp. The other bands are at 8bp and 12bp.
As LDH, we could not check the digestion, so we tried directly with the purified band of EL222 obtained for the assembly.

Figure 9: Gel electrophoresis of a migration of the digested PLAase done on 09/21/22. The DNA ladder used is the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from NEB. Without counting the DNA ladder, the second well corresponds to PLAase digested with NcoI and SacI. Digested PLAase length is 1,179bp.
For AmyH, we encountered the same problem with the T7 promoter, so we had to correct it via PCR. We designed the primers for it.

Figure 10: Gel electrophoresis of the corrected amplified AmyH done on 09/27/2022. The DNA ladder used is the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from NEB. The T7 promoter of AmyH was corrected. Without counting the DNA ladder, the first six wells correspond to the amplified AmyH. The expected size of the AmyH was 1,629 bp. The observed bands are slightly above 1,500bp. These bands correspond to the expected size of the corrected AmyH.
Then, we digested the amplified AmyH. But, we encountered the same problem as LDH. We could not check that our amplified AmyH is digested.

Figure 11: Expected result from the amplified AmyH digested from Benching. AmyH is digested by SacI and PstI. The expected size is 1,610bp. The other bands are at 8bp and 11bp.

Figure 12: Gel electrophoresis of the digested AmyH obtained from the amplified AmyH done on 09/30/22. The DNA ladder used is the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder from NEB. AmyH is digested by SacI and PstI. The expected size is 1,610bp. The other bands are at 12bp and 7bp. The other two bands are not observable on this gel.
Once AmyH is digested, we tried the assembly of the depolymerization plasmid as well as
the polymerization plasmid.
However, we did not succeed to do our assemblies.
2. Alpha-amylase (AmyH) functional assay
We assessed the ability of E.Coli BL21 transformed with the amyH (amyH BL21)
gene to degrade starch by performing a lugol staining assay on solid cultures. As this
amylase’s activity depends on NaCl concentrations, we tested multiple salt concentrations
(i.e. 0%, 5%). We cultured the bacteria as well-defined separated colonies on solid media
containing starch. We defined degradation halos as the total unstained surface minus the
surface of the colony: S(unstained) - S(colony).
We measured these surfaces using ImageJ, an open source software developed by Wayne

Figure 13: Picture of Lugol staining assay comparing wt BL21 to amyH BL21. Starch concentration: 0.2 g/L NaCl concentration: 0% (w/v) NT BL21 mean halo surface = 0.7 cm²; amyH BL21 mean halo surface = 1.28 cm²

Figure 14: Picture of Lugol staining assay comparing wt BL21 to amyH BL21. Starch concentration: 0.2 g/L NaCl concentration: 5% (w/v) NT BL21 mean halo surface = 0.05 cm²; AmyH BL21 mean halo surface = 1.25 cm²
Our results show an increased starch degradation activity in E.coli BL21 transformed with
AmyH as the mean halo sizes of the colonies are higher in transformed colonies.
We cannot conclude on the NaCl concentration effect on the amylase activity as the
maximum mean halo sizes are similar in both NaCl concentration conditions. However we
observe that with a 5% NaCl concentration, halo sizes of non-transformed BL21 are close to
zero while halo sizes of transformed BL21 reach the same value as, in the 0% NaCl
3. Shewanella oneidensis electric activity
We tested the ability of Shewanella oneidensis to generate an electric current in varying conditions. We tested the effect of lactate, riboflavin, and the mtrC gene overexpression against a non-transformed Shewanella oneidensis without any lactate in the medium. We performed these measurements using our first prototype described in Figure 15. As our hardware was not sensitive enough to measure intensity in our working ranges, we decided to measure voltage and made the assumption that our system’s resistance remained the same throughout the experiment.

Figure 15: Prototype used for the measurements. Two 50mL tubes filled with 30mL LB growth medium are separated by a proton exchange membrane. Electrodes are made of carbon fiber. Iron electric wires connect the electrodes to a multimeter. The composition of the first chamber varies depending on the tested conditions.

Figure 16: Records of the tension variation across the system over a period of 9 hours with varying conditions. In light blue: wild type Shewanella oneidensis; in yellow: wild type shewanella oneidensis supplemented with 10mM lactate; in grey Shewanella Oneidensis transformed with mtrC and supplemented with 10mM lactate; in orange: Shewanella Oneidensis transformed with mtrC and supplemented with 10mM lactate and 37nM riboflavin; in deep blue: Co-culture of Shewanella oneidensis transformed with mtrC and E.coli BL21 transformed with phenazine-1-carboxylic acid coding gene and supplemented with 10mM lactate.
All conditions plateaued at their maximum tension variation 20 to 30 minutes after the beginning of the experience. The maximum tension variation of 28mV was observed with Shewanella oneidensis transformed with the mtrC gene and supplemented with 37nM riboflavin. This shows us that riboflavin might be the best way for improving electron transfer as it reaches a tension of over 10 mV above all the other conditions.
No significant difference was observed between Shewanella oneidensis transformed with
mtrC and non-transformed Shewanella oneidensis which both plateau at around 16mV.
Shewanella oneidensis transformed with p150 plateaued at around 5mV. Non
lactate-supplemented wild type shewanella oneidensis did not show any consistent tension
plateau and showed a max tension of 3mV. After 9 hours, all MFC returned to their baseline
The results from the co-culture of E.coli secreting Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid and Shewanella oneidensis were not what we were expecting, especially compared to Shewanella oneidensis with Riboflavin. Indeed, we expected to see better results coming from the Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid. However, the test with Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid involved a co-culture of Shewanella oneidensis and E. coli, and we suspect that this is why we obtained weak results. We believe that E. coli may have overgrew Shewanella oneidensis.
4. Checking the expression of our proteins
First, we performed a cell lysis to extract the proteins. Then, to obtain the concentrations of our samples, we carried out a standard curve by using Bradford reagent measuring the absorbance of known concentrations of BSA. (see Figure 17)

Figure 17: Our standard curve from BSA proteins from 0 to 2g/L to calculate the concentration of proteins by using Bradford assay by measuring the absorbance. Created by using different solutions with various concentrations of BSA and measured at 595nm by spectrophotometer.
Once we got this curve, we were able to get the concentration of our samples by measuring their absorbance. Depending on their concentration, the samples were diluted by 2 or by 5. Then, in order to get optimal results in our SDS-Page, we wanted 20 ug of proteins per well. The results can be seen in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Table showing the concentration of our different samples and the corresponding volume for the SDS-Page. Each sample's absorbance was measured at 595 nm and the concentration was calculated by taking into account the dilution factor. Then, we calculated the volume needed to get 20ug of proteins in each of our wells.
After checking the amount of proteins in our samples, the R&D team thought about testing our proteins using an SDS-Page technique in order to isolate and see our protein of interest.
Many SDS-Pages were performed in order to characterize our 7 sequences one by one. But first bibliographical research are needed to find the molecular weight of our part sequences:
- PHAC1: between 48 and 63 kDa [1]
- AmyH: 50.189 kDa [2]
- PCT: 67 kDa [3]
- EL222: 24.741 kDa [4]
- LDH: 37.049 kDa [5]
- PlAase (RPA1511): 34, 1 kDa [6]
- mtrC: 71.237 [7]

Figure 19: Electrophoresis Gel made by the technique of SDS-Page. From the left to the right the sequence loaded in wells are : 2x BL21 NT (control) (1-2), 2x EL222 (3-4), 2x AmyH (5-6), Molecular weight (7), 3x PCT (8-10), 3x PHAC1(11-13).

Figure 20: SDS-PAGE and profile of the PageRuler Plus Prestained Protein Ladder from ThermoFisher.
As you can see on the Figure 19, the first control of E.Coli BL21 wt in position 1 worked well since no strip is bigger than the others in the first well. We will use this well as a reference (negative control) to compare to others Electrophoresis Gel.
When we are comparing the Figure 19 with the Figure 20, we can admit that the 4th well is corresponding to the part named EL222 since one strip is thicker than the others and her molecular weight is around 24 kDa.
Now we can observe that on all the wells corresponding to PCT (from number 8 to 10), a thicker strip just below the strip of the molecular weight corresponds to 70 kDA (Figure 20).
Even if our electrophoresis gel is kind of blurry with the first test (Figure 19) we can assess that BL21 wt worked well as a negative control. And looking at the characterization of our part; EL222 is expressed in our construction as well as PCT since the proteins of interest produced are over-expressed in the electrophoresis as we can see on the Figure 19 at the corresponding Molecular Weight.

Figure 21: Electrophoresis Gel made by the technique of SDS-Page. From the left to the right: Molecular Weight (1), PCT (2), mTRC (3), PHAC1 (4), AMYH (5), Molecular Weight (6), BL21 wt (7), PLAase (8), EL222 (9), PHAC1 (10).
As we can observe on this second gel the BL21 wt, our negative control worked well since no strips are overexpressed in the 7th well.
When we compare the 7th well and the molecular weight in the 6th position a thicker strip is seen in the 4th well corresponding to the loading of the transformed bacteria with PHAC1. In fact the thicker band is between the molecular weight of 55 kDa and 70 kDa (Figure 20), and corresponds to the expected molecular weight of PHAC1 which is between 48 kDa and 63 kDa.
Moreover, on the 5th well corresponding to AMYH we can observe a thicker strip between the molecular weight (6) of 35 kDa and 55 kDa (Figure 20), that is around 50kDa which correspond to the molecular weight of the expressed protein AMYH leading to the validation of our engineering success.

Figure 22: Electrophoresis Gel made by the technique of SDS-Page. From the left to the right: Molecular Weight (1), BL21 wt (2), AMYH (3), mTRC (4), LDH (5), Molecular Weight (6), PCT (7), EL222 (8), PHAC1(9), PLAase (10).
On the fifth well, we observed a band slightly above 55 kDa that could correspond to LDH because its molecular weight of the expressed LDH is at 57 kDa. (see Figure 20) We know that E.Coli expresses its own Lactate dehydrogenase which has a Molecular weight around 36kDa [8]. On the first gel, we observe the same bands as here that explains why. We can suppose that our LDH is expressed with the support of its characterisation in the Proof of Concept part
As a conclusion on the SDS Page performed by the team, we succeed in proving the expression of most of our parts such as AMYH, EL222, PHAC1, LDH and PCT. This may validate the right construction of our sequences. But other sequences such as PLAase and mTRC still need to be characterized on another electrophoresis gel.
Since mTRC was transformed into Shewanella oneidensis, the wet lab team should have loaded a “Shewanella oneidensis wt” as a negative control in the electrophoresis gel to properly interpret the mTRC expression or not, but due to a lack of time we didn’t perform it yet.
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UniProt, 2022. Q2NB98 · LVHTH_ERYLH. Available at: (accessed on 10/08/2022) -
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UniProt, 2022. Q8EG34 · Q8EG34_SHEON. Available at: (accessed on 10/08/2022) -
UniProt, 2022. P52643 · LDHD_ECOLI. Available at: (accessed on 10/08/2022)