Part Collection
Backbones used for our assemblies:

Figure 1: pSB1A3 that we used for our construction containing a Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP). Plasmid used for the composite part: BBa_K4187023 (Dupin A, Simmel FC. Nat Chem. 2018)

Figure 2: pSB1K3 that we used for our construction containing a Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP). Plasmid used for the composite part: BBa_K4187023 (Liljeruhm, J., et al., 2018)
Basic part (coding sequence, RBS, terminator, promoter)
Coding sequences:

Table 1: Our coding sequence basic parts

Table 2: Our promoter basic parts from previous iGEM teams
Ribosome Binding Site (RBS):

Table 3: Our Ribosome Binding Site basic parts

Table 4: Our terminators basic parts
Composite parts

Table 5: Our composite parts

Figure 3: Expression of Polylactate depolymerase (PLAase) induced by the ligation of the Light-inducible DNA-binding protein (EL222) on the Blue-light inducible promoter (pBlind) (BioRender) The BBa_K4187020 is composed of the pBlind promoter, the PLAase coding sequence, the strong Ribosome Binding Site.1 (RBS) and the Double Terminator.

Figure 4: Our composite part BBa_K4187026 in a puC19 plasmid with a Kanamycin resistance marker. mtrC is under an arabinose inducible promoter: araBAD with the RBS.1 and the Double Terminator.

Figure 5: Expression of mtrC induced by the ligation of the arabinose on the pBAD promoter (BioRender). The BBa_K4187026 is composed of the pBAD promoter, the mtrC coding sequence, the strong Ribosome Binding Site.1 (RBS) and the Double Terminator.

Figure 6: Our composite part BBa_K4187023 in a pSB1K3 plasmid with a Kanamycin resistance marker. The polymerization plasmid is composed of the D-Lactate Dehydrogenase composite part (BBa_K4187017), the Propionate CoA-transferase composite part (BBa-K4187018), the Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase (PHAC1) composite part (BBa_K4187019).

Figure 7: Our composite part BBa_K4187024 in a pSB1A3 plasmid with an Ampicillin resistance marker. The depolymerization plasmid is composed of the Light-inducible DNA-binding protein (EL222) composite part (BBa_K4187020), the Polylactate depolymerase (PLAase) composite part (BBa-K4187021) and is completed with the alpha-amylase (AmyH) composite part (BBa_K4187022).
- Signaling and differentiation in emulsion-based multi-compartmentalized in vitro gene circuits. Dupin A, Simmel FC. Nat Chem. 2018 Nov 26.
- Engineering a palette of eukaryotic chromoproteins for bacterial synthetic biology. Liljeruhm J, Funk SK, Tietscher S, Edlund AD, Jamal S, Wistrand-Yuen P, Dyrhage K, Gynna A, Ivermark K, Lovgren J, Tornblom V, Virtanen A, Lundin ER, Wistrand-Yuen E, Forster AC. J Biol Eng. 2018 May 10;12:8.
Reshma Shetty, 2003. Part:BBA_B0015. Available at: (accessed on 10/07/2022) -
Imperial 2007, 2007. Part:BBa_I719005. Available at: (accessed on 10/07/2022) -
Paola Handal, 2017. Part:BBa_K2332002. Available at: (accessed on 10/07/2022) -
Paola Handal, 2017. Part: BBa_K2332004. Available at: (accessed on 10/07/2022) -
Vinay S Mahajan, 2003. Part: BBa_B0030. Available at: (accessed on 10/07/2022)