The StarchLight Team!
Let's present the organization of our team!
Wet Lab team
Our Wet Lab team was led by Solène Galpy, and was composed of Chloé Bonef, Axelle Dieumegard and Martin Pezous. Together, they organized the experiments that had to be done, planned for the next steps, and brainstormed on how to improve our results when things didn't go as planned. For most of them, it was their first team working independently in a lab, so they learned together as they went, and quickly gained new skills and knowledge.

Figure 1: Picture of the Wet Lab team: Chloé and Axelle on the left and Solène and Martin on the right
Dry Lab Team
Our Dry Lab team leader was Martin Pezous. He worked closely with Alexandre Trubert, Louis Comte, Baptiste Collin and Danyil Bazain. They had different roles in the Dry Lab team. As majors in Biotech, Martin and Alexandre worked a lot on choosing our sequences and optimizing them. Louis, a bio-robotic major, was in charge of creating our 3-D printed-prototype. Finally, Baptiste and Danyil created and designed our wiki.

Figure 2: Pictures of the Dry Lab team: Alexandre and Martin on the left, Alexandre and Louis on the middle, Baptiste and Danyil on the right.
Human Practices
Our Human Practices leader was Chloé Bonef, and was completed by Solène Galpy and Axelle Dieumegard. They were the ones who set up our different interviews and contacted everyone needed for our various Human Practices.

Figure 3: Pictures of the Human Practices team: Axelle on the left, Solène in the middle and Chloé on the left
The communication and collaboration was composed of Chloé Bonef and Solène Galpy. They handled all of our social media accounts, and responded to all of our collaboration requests. They organized our meetings with other teams to talk about potential collaborations and partnerships.

Figure 4: Picture of the Communication team: Solène on the left, Chloé on the right
Axelle Dieumegard handled most of the financing and sponsorship opportunities, however all team members reached out to their connections to find potential partners. Axelle was in charge of contacting the official sponsors of the competition, as well as non-official ones in order to secure sponsorships.

Figure 5: Picture of the Financing team only composed of Axelle.
Our PI
Our Personal Instructor is Thomas Lemmonier. He is a teacher at Sup'Biotech and a researcher at CellTechs in the CEA. He accompanied us throughout our project and answered our questions to help us go on.
Our advisors
Our main advisor is Ambre Leleu, who is also a teacher at Sup'Biotech and a researcher
at CellTechs in the CEA. She was a member of the iGEM IONIS team in 2019, so she had
previous advice to give us following this experience.
Some members from the 2021 iGEM IONIS team also advised us throughout our projects:
Quentin Naudin, Julian Leduc, and Marie Guillaume. Their previous experience as iGEMers
was a great source of help, and they were eager to give us tips and tricks on how to
advance with the iGEM competition.
Finally, Matthieu Da Costa was a great help and accompanied us through every aspect of
the project. He is a Researcher in Biochemistry (Enzyme engineering) at Abolis, and is the
founder of the iGEM IONIS association, back when our team participated in iGEM for the
first time in 2015!
Special thanks
Firstly, we would like to thank Romain El Andalousi, the head of the agro-food department at
our school for helping us choose the direction of our project.
Also, thank you to Ida Bost, a social studies professor at Sup'Biotech, for helping us with the
education part of our project.
For our video productions, we would like to thank Amine Boughalem and Raphaël Neira who
helped us operate the cameras at the studio in our school.
Moreover, a big thank you to Alaksh Choudhury, a teacher in genetic engineering at
Sup'Biotech. He helped us early on in the project to check our sequences and advise us on
which techniques to use.
Furthermore, we thank the L'Exploratoire team for helping us create our podcast, and
especially Natacha Janiszewski for helping us design our mascot.
Isaline Roy helped us to print our prototype with a 3D-printer, big thanks to her.
Celine Zoubeidi was also a big help with all our communication efforts, especially by
communicating on our school accounts.
A big thank you to Baudoin Lesueur and Toan Baudry for creating our logo and giving us our
color pallette.
Finally, thanks to everyone who participated in our crowdfunding campaign that helped us to
conduct our project.