Practical Training and Lectures in Synthetic and Molecular Biology

Synbio Workshop

Venue: Undergraduate Pharmacognosy Lab, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, ICT Mumbai

The pandemic had taken a drastic effect on our country and colleges were not open for undergraduate students. Working towards our project, we realized the importance that practical aspects had in our understandings. Based on this, with the assistance of our PI Dr. Shamlan Reshamwala, we conducted a workshop to give hands-on practical to our peers. They were trained and made proficient in performing various synthetic biology experiments like plasmid extraction, digestion, ligation and making competent cells. Everyone interacted with the team very well and were very enthusiastic about performing these experiments. These experiments aided students in creating a better visualisation of the realistic aspects. They were able to see results that were usually only read by them only in theory.

Following are the presentations used in the lecture:
