
We have been working with the Dh5alpha, and BL21(DE3) strains of E coli. The chassis and the gene of interest are safe and do not pose significant safety and security risks. Furthermore, our experiment deals only with prokaryotes whose manipulation is standard and has no ethical risk. All procedures involved in carrying out these experiments are safe and routine; hence there is a very low possibility of any risk arising from them, provided they are carried out as per protocol. To ensure the recombinant microbes do not escape into the environment, we treat all live cultures and glass/plasticware that has come into contact with cultures with 70% ethanol before autoclaving and disposing of/reusing them. As mentioned in the above questions, no harm/risk is expected from our experiments; however, if our team characterizes a risk, we will approach our mentor and our supervisor and collectively decide how to mitigate/prevent the hazardous event from taking place. Our Institute also has an Institutional Biosafety Committee that can be approached. The intended product from the engineered E. coli: the GFP and the RFP, is also a safe protein since it is rapidly degraded by enteric enzymes and has a low allergenicity risk associated with it. It is improbable that these organisms threaten us, our colleagues in the laboratory, the community, or the environment should they escape the lab in an unlikely scenario. We were using Ethidium Bromide for Agarose Gel Analysis, and now we have switched to SYBr Safe. We have been trained in all aspects of lab safety.