THE ocean is Hainan's greatest advantage and its greatest potential in the future. As the province with the largest marine resources in the country, Hainan has unique resource conditions and geographical advantages.

Hainan Island is located in the northwestern part of the South China Sea and on the northern edge of the tropics. It is the province with the largest marine area in China, with a total area of ​​2 million square kilometers under its authorized jurisdiction, accounting for 2/3 of my country's marine land area. There are many natural harbors, up to 68. According to statistics, in 2012, the total output of aquatic products in Hainan Province was 1.88 million tons, and the added value of fishery reached 21.6 billion yuan, of which the output and output value of marine aquaculture accounted for 35% and 64% of Hainan aquaculture, respectively.


A large number of antibiotic drugs are applied to all stages of the breeding process, and the huge selection pressure has led to a significant increase in the types and number of drug-resistant bacteria in marine aquaculture waters, and the occurrence of biologically resistant pathogen diseases in aquaculture is becoming more and more frequent, and the difficulty of microbial disease control is increasing.



The more serious problem is that aquaculture products cultured in this way often carry resistant bacteria, which are transmitted through the food chain and will pose a direct threat to human health and life safety (Sorumetal, 2002).



For the inhabitants of sunny islands, we hope to build a platform called the "lock-in" cripr/cas tool based on synthetic biology methods, which aims to develop a tool that uses Crispr-cas13/14 to detect marine microbial resistance with high precision and ease of operation.
