

The collaboration component has been very important throughout the course of our project. This effort allowed us to better understand other teams' projects, which in turn led us to recognize where we could achieve improvements. However, due to the limitations caused by the epidemic, most of our collaborations took place online, and even so, we gained valuable advice and experience from these scientific exchanges and sharing. For this, we thank all those iGEMers who have contributed to the development of our project and look forward to promoting communication and collaboration among the synthetic biology community through our efforts.

Hosting the virtual online conference CRISPR meetup

UESTC-BioTech has been working on synthetic biology breakthroughs in oil and energy production by tuning the lipid metabolism-related pathways of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with the CRISPR-Cas9 system, so we have entered into a partnership with UESTC-BioTech based on CRISPR technology and have formed strong ties in the subsequent exchanges and collaborations, from which we have gained Mutual benefits.

Based on the commonality of the technologies used by both parties, we jointly organized the CRISPR meetup on August 14, 2022 in order to seek a wider commonality of cooperation. HiZJU-China, NWU-CHINA-A, SCAU_China, SJTU-software and other teams to share their projects. We discussed the difficulties encountered in the process of experimentation and human practice, actively faced and sought solutions, and we also established deep friendship with many teams in this meeting.


Experimental Mutual Aid


We worked with Jilin University and Xiamen University on the design and discussion of the Lethal system. With the collaboration and help of the three teams, we have completed the experiments related to the blue light and red light lethal genes. We had in-depth discussions and exchanges with Jilin University on the construction of plasmids and expression of lethal genes. In addition, we conducted online communication with JLU-China on modeling and other stem experiments, and we provided JLU-China with experience support on modeling.



Hainan University is at the southernmost point of China and has the largest ocean area in China. We sent 2L seawater samples from the inlet for BNSC-China team to measure the non-sterilized fermentation of sodium-demanding Vibrio seawater.


Our collaboration with the IGEM team at Xiamen University is mainly focused on experimental mutual assistance. XMU-China provided us with the toxic protein, which we successfully expressed, and the experimental team members of both teams are now discussing the current experimental progress online, and eventually carrying out experimental validation at a later stage of the project.

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In the early stage of the project, we had an online exchange with FAFU and XJTLU-China about the hardware, sharing the progress of their respective experiments, the current progress of Human Practice and possible future collaboration. At the same time, we exchanged ideas on the innovation, excellence and impact of Human Practice related activities, which provided new ideas for the planning of Human Practice activities in the future.

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After an initial exchange on the numerical modeling part of the project experiments at the CRISPR meetup we co-hosted with UESTC-BioTech, CPU-China asked us detailed questions about the modeling of their current experiments, which we answered for them, and invited them to come and participate in our manual.

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The 9th China Regional IGEM Exchange

The China Regional iGEM Exchange (CCiC) is the largest annual event where iGEMers from different teams in China come together to present their projects, exchange ideas and find partners with similar aspirations. 2022, given the city and school vaccination requirements, we ended up participating in this event online from August 18-22.

The 9th China Regional IGEM Exchange featured a number of honorary guests, ranging from renowned academicians to successful entrepreneurs, who gave presentations on their personal understanding of the future of synthetic biology, their personal experiences and field insights, and the many considerations for conducting iGEM projects. During our presentation, we briefly reported on the design and progress of our project, and the judges provided us with important feedback. In addition, during the online Q&A session, the CCiC Executive Committee Chair evaluated our project and provided us with helpful suggestions for improving our presentation. In response to this feedback, first, we have better defined our project application scenarios through research so that we can further modify our final product; second, we will focus on demonstrating that our hardware can achieve the benefits of quick and easy detection of results against a standalone application scenario to achieve more significant functional improvements.

It is worth mentioning that we were selected from many teams at the 9th China Regional IGEM Exchange and won the Best Hardware Design Award!

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We participated in the China iGEM Online Meetup jointly organized by Guangxi University, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Jiangnan University, and Jilin University, and gave a presentation at the meeting. in addition, we had a post-meeting discussion with the host team GXU-China about the experimental project of marine pollution control.

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Offline meetings we attend


In the middle of the project, we had an online meeting to share our project progress with each other and initially decided to do experimental validation work for each other, but in the end, the experimental validation did not progress as scheduled due to the epidemic. However, we were invited by Worldshaper-HZ to participate in the IGEM Hangzhou offline meeting jointly held with ZJU-China and ZJUT-China from Aug. 6 to Aug. 8, which used a combination of online and offline methods and invited many excellent IGEM teams from different countries. In this meeting, all of them shared their project progress with each other and solved the difficulties they encountered at this stage by exchanging ideas
