
Team leaders:

Shuo Huang:

He was responsible for the results, presentations, experiments, project description and modelling sections, and also helped with the writing, collaboration, dissemination and education of the notebook section, and was involved in almost all aspects of our project. At the same time, he reminded us of all the deadlines and his presence was an important driving force for us to complete the project.

Rongkai Tang:

He was responsible for organizing and managing the entire team's work. He reviewed and revised the main paperwork and design of the wiki, and completed the design and submission of all the team's parts. He was involved in the general direction of the team's decisions and made sure that the team's work content did not deviate from the right path, and also provided advice and assistance in the development of human practice activities.

Experimental Group:

Qinglan Lan:

Participated in the research and implementation of experimental projects, designed the experimental process, responsible for purifying the protein experimental content, assisted in the production of new parts that can improve the function of existing parts, and performed mutual assistance with other teams in experimental validation, etc. He is also responsible for advancing the production related to Partnership, Collabrotion, Video and other parts.

Xiaoyu Yang:

Participated in the implementation of the project, including the purification of CRISPR Cas14a1, TtCsm6 protein, and the conservation of the corresponding bacteriophage. Provided sufficient amount of protein for the experiment to ensure the normal advancement of the experiment.

Xiaoxia Wang:

Participated in the project development process, and performed protein purification, RNA extraction part of the experiment.

Moyan Liang:

major in Agronomy, member of WET lab. He is mainly responsible for the extraction of bacterial RNA in the wet experiment and the design of the processing steps for the extraction of bacterial RNA from seawater. He coordinated with the teacher in charge of the lab and summarized the information of our team BioBrick.

Human Practice Group:

Shiyue Wang:

help achieve orderly coordination among the teams, responsible for the project description, educational communication and web content production and other related parts.

Yuhang Zhou:

responsible for the completion of the Poster, external publicity, cooperation with other igem teams, contacting companies and sponsors, and disseminating experimental results and related applications.

Die Hu:

She is mainly responsible for the copywriting of the human practice section and the production of related materials for our education and communication activities.

Xiaoyang Li:

contacting teachers that the team needs to interview, copywriting work for the proof-of-concept part, and also providing help for the website construction.

Han Li:

liaising with different biological companies, taking care of finances, and coordinating various activities related to human practice.

Xinshui Tao:

responsible for the voiceover work of the presentation video and the docking work of the communication and education part.

Xuerui Zhao:

mainly responsible for the coordination, filming and editing production of the team's presentation video, and for the work related to the collaboration part.

Wiki Group:

Shibo Wang:

responsible for the Wiki part of the construction work, writing code and layout design

Yijie Cheng:

designed the logo, team flag, team uniform and mascot for the team, participated and completed the layout design of the poster, ppt and igem manual, and completed the illustration of the experimental steps disassembled in the ppt part.

Huiru Shi:

participated in the design of our team manual, assisted in the design of illustrations and other designs for the team project.

Hongyu Chen:

assisted in the completion of the wiki

Siyu Cheng:

responsible for the design and layout of the images needed for the wiki section

General Support:

Thanks to our advisors for their help in team running, project guidance and experimental support. Here is their contribution.

Manman Chen:

has a strong knowledge of synthetic biology and has taught our team about it in the early stages.

Ye Zhong:

She is responsible for the guidance of the website artwork design, in addition to that, she also contributes many suggestions to our project in video production, PowerPoint presentation and many other aspects.

Anyi Li:

As a member of the OUC team in 2018, he has been a great guide to our competition this year.

Yunxiang Xiao&Wenkai Shang:

Yun Xiang and Wen Kai are good at communication and management. They have helped us contact many companies and target schools for popular science promotion. They have provided us with great help in human practice.

Shengsen Peng:

:Shengsen has provided a lot of guidance for our hardware design, and he is indispensable to the success of our hardware.

Lab support:

We thank the State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in the South China Sea of Hainan University for providing laboratory support, where we completed most of the wet experiments of the project, and the advanced equipment of the laboratory helped us to complete the experimental operations perfectly.

Fundraising help and advice:

We are also grateful for the financial support provided by the College of Life Sciences and the College of Tropical Crops at Hainan University. During this process, especially with the help of Mr. Chen Yinhua and Mr. Zhou Hailong, we finally succeeded in raising the funds for the project.

Human Practices support

We are grateful to all those who have helped us in the human experience and to all of you who have participated in our projects.

We are grateful to the Beijing Foreign Studies University Affiliated Hainan Foreign Language School and the Micro Krypton Company for their educational support. In the process, we have developed a deep friendship with our high school friends and have done an excellent job of promoting the science of synthetic biology and our competition.

Thank JLU_China, UESTC-BioTech, BNSC_China, XMU_China, XJTLU_China, CPU_China, FAFU, GXU-China, Worldshaper-HZ for collaboration with our team.

Difficult technique support

When we encountered technical difficulties in the progress of the project, Dr. Wan Yi and Prof. Wang Buhua provided us with very timely and necessary theoretical support, which enabled us to continue the project and achieve the final perfect result.

Thanks to PIs and the instructors for their guidance, to the advisors for their help, and to every team member for their efforts, so that our project progressed beyond our original expectation.