We decided to employ the way of selling peripheral products to raise money and meantime propagandize our project.
Firstly, everybody put their heads together and designed our team mascot and discussed what kind of peripheral products to sell.
Figure 1.Peripheral products
Secondly, we managed to contact some merchants online who could create our customized products cooperatively.
Figure 2. Posters of the charity sale
Thirdly, we decided on the date of the fundraising activity and also contacted the head of the Golden Eagle planning department, hoping to set up a stall in the shopping mall. However, we were refused.
Therefore, we set up the stall in the cafeteria on campus and propagandized our project to the university students. Accordingly, we pre-designed a poster for inviting more people to attend our charity sale activity.
The offline charity sale took place on August 22, we found a spot which is near the door of the cafeteria so that people could easily notice us. We went to the university’s cafeteria at noon since it was time for lunch, and there were a large number of people passing by our spot. Our members walked around the canteen and invited these potential buyers to our spot.
Figure 3. We carried out the charity sale inside the university
Even if they rejected to buy our peripheral products, we could still ask them to follow our WeChat Official Account where we would post some educational articles and our daily work. In this way, we not only sold out many goods but also increased the number of followers on WeChat. We had some trouble smoothly introducing our products though. Some of us were too shy to promote our goods and project to strangers, so we missed some potential customers. All in all, the experience was great and a lot of university students supported us.
Figure 4. We set a sale spot in the square
In that evening, we went to a busy square near us since we still had some stock. Many passers came to our spot with curiosity and then we introduced who we were and what our project is going to do. They expressed their support for our project and bought our goods. The total amount of peripheral goods sold in two days is more than 800 yuan, and the harvest is quite abundant. All the money we fundraised will be donated to support environmental protection.
Besides, we also cooperated with the Bio-research Club and the Charity Club of the school to organize a school charity sale and give a public speech in the meantime.

This campus charity sale was named “Technology & Life” and attracted much attention. We set up several desks as activity spots where people could purchase our peripheral goods and communicate with us about our project. During the charity sale, our members also gave a public speech to introduce our topic and the biotechnology we utilized in the project.
Figure 5. Our charity sale spot was very popular
This activity also received great support from the school. Our school WeChat Official Account published an article about this which has received 600 more reads so far. In the end, we made a profit of 1032 CNY which will be donated to the local nursing home.