External Support
During this period, we learned more advanced techniques, more sophisticated instruments, and more diverse experiments. These are things that broaden our horizons. Our teachers and team leaders are very responsible. They helped us divide our work so that we can know our tasks. we also held many activities together.
Below are persons, teams, and institutions we received help from during the project.
Laboratory Support: Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine Biological and Medical Laboratory
    ■ Wet Lab Instructor: Dr. Lv, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
    ■ Dry Lab Instructor: Mr. Zhao, Fudan University
    ■ Project instructor:Dr. Li. She has been providing our team with project brainstorming, and part of project design.
Experts In Human Practice Part
    ■ Mr. Liu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ph.D. in Finance
    ■ Prof. Wen, Nanjing Normal University,
    ■ Dr. Su, Postdoc in University of Washington-Seattle; Ph.D. in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    ■ 2022 iGEM Team Feed Family (Shanghai_United)
    ■ 2022 iGEM Team TeMoZerapy (SubCat_Shanghai)
Special Thanks: BASF-YPC Company Limited