The Synthetic Biology Foundation

The SBF Foundation is a synthetic biology science website created by synthetic biology researchers, the public, art school students and artists. Part of the site will be presented in the form of a microbiota atlas, which will be created by soliciting drawings and copywriting for a synthetic biology microbiota atlas. The site will also include artwork based on the form, function and anecdote of microbes in the field of synthetic biology, including text, visual paintings, music and more. The site is open to the public and accepts submissions and comments. At present, the main members are the Bluepha Synthetic Biology Club of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. We hope to establish and improve this synthetic biology community and make more people participate in it.

Bacterial Picture Album:

We launched a bacteria illustration project. First, we illustrated common research bacteria and engineering bacteria, and published scientific knowledge articles with pictures and texts through our official account, hoping to mobilize the public's interest in the magical micro world of synthetic biology in this easy and interesting way.

  • (Introduction to cyanobacteria on the public account)
  • (Introduction to cyanobacteria on the public account)

  • Biological Fiction:

    We invite literary lovers inside and outside the school to imagine in combination with synthetic biology, and discuss such open topics as what form life will be if there is non double stranded DNA, how to transfer life through contact, what can be on the surface of molecular atoms, and how to write words on the cell membrane.It is hoped that these can stimulate people's imagination about the future of synthetic biology. Just as Snow Crash predicted the meta universe, the imagination of some literary works on the Internet in the last century has indirectly shaped the current form of the Internet. Perhaps this group of emerging writers and artists interested in synthetic biology will also inspire future synthetic biology workers.

    Welcome to our official wechat account to check out the wonderful works of SBF Foundation