Improvement of an Existing Part


Improved new parts

Parts name Parts number Types length(bp) website links
hrpR BBa_K4226001 Coding 945
hrpS BBa_K4226002 Coding 909
hrpL Promoter BBa_K4226003 Regulatory 208

Those parts above are improvement for the parts:HrpR Gene (BBa_K1014001), HrpS Gene (BBa_K1014000) and Promoter hrpL (BBa_K1014002) uploaded by iGEM13_HIT-Harbin. The sequences are different from what they uploaded, and it's been quantitatively verified.
In our project,we designed the Amp30E amplification device consists of hrpR (BBa_K4226001), hrpS (BBa_K4226002) , and hrpL promoter (BBa_K4226003) . HrpR protein binds to hrpS protein forming a complex, and the promoter hrpL (BBa_K4226003) is transcriptionally upregulated by hrpR (BBa_K4226001) and hrpS (BBa_K4226002) [1].
We characterized these new parts and added new documentation to it. We hope this will make a contribution to the iGEM community.