Make the Scalp Healthy by Eliminating Waste and Synthesizing Hair Growth Factors 
 Why should scalp health be a concern? 
 What is a healthy or unhealthy scalp? What is a bad scalp microecology? 
 How can we improve scalp microecology with our design? 

Make the Scalp Healthy by Eliminating Waste and Synthesizing Hair Growth Factors

Normal skin microorganisms can coexist peacefully with the scalp. But when the scalp produces too much sebum, Malassezia grows out of control. The fungus feeds on sebum and produces large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, causing abnormal scalp metabolism. Use our E. coli Nissle 1917. They will maintain the scalp environment in a normal state for a long time!

Why do scalp and hair get sick? The root cause is the destruction of hair follicles and their environment, just as seeds and soil determine the growth of crops. The scalp, with its rich hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, constitutes a unique ecosystem that is more sensitive than the skin of the face and more prone to scalp health problems that affect the quality of life.

Why should scalp health be a concern?

Shiny and dandruff free hair is one of the 10 health criteria proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2000. Many beauty lovers pay no less attention to hair volume than their faces. However, living in a high-pressure and fast-paced era, it is inevitable some might neglect the importance of head skin. After investigation, we found that the external environment also plays a key role in loss of hair, and the scalp microecology is vulnerable to excessive cleaning or neglect of management.

Look out! Even if the scalp and hair follicles do not show obvious disease symptoms, many people still express that they are prone to hair loss and scalp sensitivity. And the excessive secretion of scalp sebum can easily lead to microbial breeding, hair follicle inflammation and odor. In fact, the scalp is more fragile than the skin elsewhere. The bad scalp microecology that is not conducive to healthy hair follicles is a major cause of hair loss. Therefore, we think that it is worth paying attention to the soil for hair growth.

What is a healthy or unhealthy scalp? What is a bad scalp microecology?

A healthy scalp usually has the following four characteristics:

(1) Contain enough water

A healthy scalp has an intact cuticle barrier that keeps it properly hydrated. A dry and tight scalp indicates a decrease in the water-holding capacity of the scalp cuticle and impaired barrier function.

(2) Refreshing and not greasy

Normal scalp sebum secretion is moderate, clean after a period of time can maintain a fresh and non-greasy state. Scalp and hair are often greasy because scalp sebaceous glands are stimulated by various internal and external factors and overactive, resulting in excessive SEBACEOUS SECRETION!

(3) No obvious dandruff

Normally metabolized keratinocytes are exfoliated and invisible to the naked eye. If there is significant dandruff, it is because of excessive scalp sebum secretion, secondary scalp surface microecological imbalance and impaired scalp cuticle barrier function, resulting in premature clumping and shedding of immature keratinocytes.

(4) No itching sensation

When the scalp is itchy, there may be scalp inflammation. The scalp is stimulated by various internal and external inflammatory factors, which can cause scalp immune response and lead to scalp itching.

However, people of different ages can experience scalp health problems for a variety of reasons. Take teenagers as a typical example: teenagers are in the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Adolescence is the second peak of human growth and development, and many physiological changes will occur in the skin of adolescents. One of the most prominent changes is the increase of sebum secretion, resulting in changes in the skin surface microecological environment. As a result, adolescents are prone to skin problems related to sebum secretion and microecology, such as acne and scalp problems such as seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff, itching).

Scalp problems occur when the cuticle of the scalp is irritated by various external factors. Too much oil and Malassezia can damage the cuticle of the scalp. Dandruff is a manifestation of sebum dermatitis. Furthermore, the essential causes of scalp problems such as scalp grease, dandruff and scalp itching are related to scalp sebum secretion, cuticle health and skin microecological balance and other factors.

How can we improve scalp microecology with our design?

We designed a probiotic that can consume aliphatic acids or fatty acids (AA), secrete the hair follicle growth factor caffeine (CA) and 2-phenylethyl alcohol (2-PE) on the scalp surface and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. BUCT is committed to alleviating the bad effects of hair loss caused by the bad scalp microecology, and improving other problems such as dandruff and odor caused by excessive sebum.

AA on the surface of human skin is produced by bacteria or fungi decomposing sebum. AA not only mediates the occurrence of some hair follicle inflammation, but also produces unpleasant odor and further leads to excessive cleaning. The probiotics produce Ca and 2-PE while consuming AA. CA can shorten hair follicle growth cycle and stimulate hair follicle growth. It has been used in a variety of hair care products. 2-PE is a safe food grade flavor, which can improve the odor problem caused by AA. It is hoped that our design can alleviate the hair loss of people with various diseases or non diseases by improving the skin surface environment, which means that other people with scalp oil secretion, itching and desquamation can also try this unprecedented "skin care method".