Engineering Success

Our filter was created only using 3D-printed parts

Our Design

While creating the filter, we aimed to make it usable and easy to build. The filter consists of the main body and two removable filter nets. The main body is cylindrical with a diameter of 10 centimeters and can be glued to any PVC pipe using Bushing Fittings. The cylinder is dissected into two parts where two specifically designed filter nets are placed. The first filter net keeps bigger particles, such as heavy metals, and the second one prevents the enzymes from escaping. The filter nets can be easily removed from the main body to be cleaned or replaced. To develop the filter, we used the CAM software Fusion 360 and printed it using a 3D printer.

Take a look at our main filter design, along with its constituents below!

Design of the main body of our filter, with the two slots for the insertion of the filter membranes clearly visible.

Constituent "rings" of the main body of out filter. The curved part allows for easy removal by hand, while the protruding elements ensure that the filter membranes will be held together securely.


The design of our filter was optimized mathematically to use as less plastic as possible, while not compromising integral structural strength and stability. It is a scaled down version of the filter that would actually be applied in real life, taking into account the size of water drainage systems in our city. Two prototypes have been produced, adding structural support by making the "rings" wider in diameter and more compartments to slow the flow of the water, and therefore lower the pressure exerted on the filter membranes.

Check out the 3D printing process of our filter!